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Mod Application


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Hey TF2 division,


I have recently been spending a lot of time on the Dirty Cheating Idle server that HG runs. This is mainly because I like to idle whilst doing homework, and play every now and again to give myself a break.


I have noticed that this server is not used very much by the hg population. There have been quite a few times when there has been big disrespect and a lot of times when people use map exploits to get 100's of kills. All the time I have been playing on this server I have never seen a HG recruit or member.


When observing these events, I wish I had the capability to warn them/kick them. Thus, I am applying for basic moderator powers on the HG Idling server.


Who am I. I realize I don't spend much time in the TF2 division of HG, so some of you may not recognize me. I have been in HG for nearly 4 months I think now. I originally met HG on TF2, and when I started playing GMOd, I decided to apply. I have spent around 160 hours on the HG Perp server. To relax a bit more I play TF2, usually a Dustbowl 24/7 or the HG degrootkeep server. I have been playing TF2 for nearly a year, love playing heavy and have started a nice heavy collection.


Due to the fact that I hate it in GMOD when someone breaks the rules, I try and stick to em to the best of my abilities. Most of the few run-ins I've had with the rules have been a misunderstanding or a failure to know something, I have never intentally broke the rules.


I want to apply for moderator powers on the TF2 server "Dirty Cheating Idle" because it annoys me when I see map exploits and disrepect. Since it is not a major server, i think it would make a good starting position. I follow the rules and hate seeing the rules broken. I have been in HG for 4 months and am active on the forums, teamspeak and ingame.


Thanks for your time,




*I couldn't immediatly see a *apply for position* part of the forums. If I managed to miss it, feel free to tell me or even move this thread.


I understand I am a recruit, but respect me in your comment, and I'll respect you in my reply.

Edited by WhataWackaMonk
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