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Homecoming with a younger girl :O


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She's 16 and the laws in new york actually make it so you do go to jail and it is a sexual thing lol


Go out with her, and have sex just because IT ACTUALLY IS LEGAL.


Although the age of consent in NY is 17, most countries, states, provinces have affirmative defense laws.


In new york, from what I've read, if the youngest partner is at least 13 years old, and the older partner is 4 or less years older than the partner, then the older partner has an affirmative defense and can not be charged.




It actually does shock, and slightly sicken me, that there is A LOT of people who believe sex before the age of consent is completely illegal. I guess that's not something parents let their kids know, though.


A underage girl has to agree with her mate that she under stands the conquenses of being pregnant it its not safe sex yes it is legal.

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