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rabbadon vs. archangels?


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If you are getting fed blue mid lane, which i'm assuming you are, then you should rush rabbadons. Swain doesn't really spam spells like other characters do, for example, karthus. He casts all day in lane. You should get archangels on him early before rabbadon's imo

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Ryze (only champ who SHOULD get it... but hes a special case of course)

Veigar (sucks on veigar)


On anyone else, it doesn't spam well enough to stack quickly and there are other stats to prioritize than mana or AP (health or CDR are the primary ones). But let's go one by one and explain why Arch SUCKS DICK on everything not named Ryze.


Karthus: You need health. Straight up. Karth has no escape and his E REQUIRES you be fairly close. You get catalyst, you rush the shit out of rod of ages, then you go deathcap. Straight... up...

Kog'Maw: If you try to ult spam to stack up Tear, you'll run dry within seconds (hehe penis joke). He HAS to rush Rylais for his ult to be effective in lane (E then Ult is ridiculous). Putting in Archangel's delays his Rylais far too long (especially since he also needs the straight up AP of Rabadon's and the sustain of Grail). Rylai's, Rabs, Athene's are his core. No room for Arch.

Cassio: Same as Kog. NEEDS Rylais or Abyssal or WotA early. If she doesn't get at least one of those, she's too squishy to lane properly. Rabs is the second buy after those. No room for AA.

Ryze: Tear is more important than Arch, but you DO eventually build it into Arch. Just... very late. Tear, Rod of Ages, Glacial Shroud (CDR is a must), Banshee Veil, THEN FINALLY finish Archangel's. Very late.

Veigar: Please... don't. Athene's was made for him. Get it, get rabs, get Void Staff. Fuck EVERYTHING else.

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