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1. Your in-game name: [n00b] Pit Stop∙4²º

2. Server that you where banned on: IP- It was the jail break server

3. The Banning admin: I don't remember thats my bad.

4. Your Steam-Id: STEAM_0:0:24594304

5. Reason for ban: what had happened was that he was a prisoner and the lead CT said for every one to go to the pool crouch and no delays. I was watching from behind and from my view it looked like he was going on top of the VIP room so i shot at him and told him he was delaying when he asked why he was shot. He had already slayed me about 3 times prior to this saying i was blind firing into a crowd of people and he also slayed others for the same reason i was not just shooting at random people i was shooting at the rebels who had already killed people. But after i had shot him the time that he had banned me he was already going to infarmary any way so he really shouldn't have banned me or at least that what I think because i dont know what i did wrong if i did anything at all that was wrong. I've checked the banlist to see if its a perma ban but cant find mine. ive used my name and steam id. i just want to know because this is a really goo prison server compared to others so if you could just lets me know thanks.

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1. You need to have SS and Demo to back up what you just said. Without those 2 forms of proof, we cannot take any action.

2. Your ban might be only temporary (2 hours ban), unless you were banned by the staffs/councils

3. If you were perm banned, admin who banned you have to come here and give the reason why you were banned, otherwise the ban would be lifted in 24-48 hours.

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Jailbreak doesn't show up on the banlist. It's a two hour ban. I witnessed u freekill two people, MANY (half the terrorist team) people complained about you freeshooting and freekilling, I slayed you for freekilling and freeshooting me twice and i verbally warned you, and finally you shot into solitary where all the ts were hitting me down to 28 health in the process. You shot into a crowd. Read motd. It was I who banned you.

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kk thank you for letting me know and im fine with only playing t. i just really like the way your server works.


Well I did not add you to the t-only list.

Just be careful if you are a CT.


But maybe you should get more comfortable with the gameplay on the t-side first. ;)

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