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Poll For Whatever the hell you do on Forums


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As the title says, lol, i'm making this poll for two main reasons, feel free to chime in on this completely pointless thread.


Reason # 1: I Had been scrolling through some admin abuse reports (For my own entertainment) To see what some of the failed attempts noobs had made on admins for the lols, sometimes i found some good ones, but then i wondered- What do others do on the forums? Whats the point?


My head was ready to explode from all of this pointless curiousity, but please, do try to answer my polls honestly enough that i wont roll over the floor and bang my head repeatedly until i pass out and my parents have to call 911. :D


Reason # 2: I'm just damn curious on what most of you do on the forums. :P


For people who selected "Other", feel free to post what you do on the forums so i dont have a mind shattering orgasm.


This may seem completely stupid, but please lol, do it for me (And my brain)

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