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Please Unban Me?


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1. -()--()ThE-CrAzY-oNe()--()-

2. D2DM -

3. Golden Eye 007

4. STEAM_0:0:16743193

5. Aim bot.


I'm sorry for using a aim bot and I promise that I will not use one any more,or any other sort of bot. I have been banned from a couple of servers becasue im banned from this server. so there not many good server i can play. plzz unban me plzzzzz

I change my name from ''-()--()ThE-CrAzY-oNe()--()-'' to ''()***BILLY***()

Edited by yaitsbilly
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Wow it took you that long to realize that hacking is not worth of getting banned? You were banned from couple servers, and u still didn't learn? I would say your ban will sit infinitely. If u really wanna redeem, you should have juz quit the first time u were banned.

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