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  ExGBrian said:
Thats just the lightweight and a bit bigger screen talking. Everything else is pretty much ios 6 (which is pretty much crap right now)


Is something a person only concerned with the appearance of the phone would say.


Myself, I like a balance of style and performance.


When I buy a new computer, generally I'm more concerned with how it will run, rather than how it looks.




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OT: I pre-ordered my iPhone 5 and received it on 22nd September at 9:05am AEST, on a Friday for the US. Loving it :D


I upgraded from the iPhone 4 and there's a great difference in processing and all that jazz.


The thing I liked with the iPhone 4 was that the voice commands (Siri for iPhone 4s/5) didn't need an internet connection for basic commands like "call x" or "play playlist x", whereas you need an internet connection for every command with Siri. I have 1GB of data with my plan but I only turn it on when I need it to save power. Still awesome :P


And I plan to buy one of those cases that extendes the battery life :)



  iCreepZz said:
Waiting for da iPhone 7 :D




You'll be waiting quite a few years haha :P

Edited by Jake
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  Atomicnapalm said:
I like android more, not trying to start a phone war :P . But I have two friends who have it. I know its aluminum backing now but does it still shatter the screen setting it down?


Well, if you want a durable phone, you're much better off getting an iPhone 5 than a samsung galaxy.



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  Bonbon said:
Well, if you want a durable phone, you're much better off getting an iPhone 5 than a samsung galaxy.




  Soccercrazy said:
1. No apple vs android threads, they just turn into a gigantic rage fests which arent needed.

2. No turning a thread into an apple vs android discussion



Just sayin.

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