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Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Update Released


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Release Notes for 10/3/2012



[ Minor Fixes ]



-Added a vote to continue playing competitive match with bots after a human player abandons the match, unanimous agreement of remaining human players is required to continue playing with bots.

-Reduced time required for confirming match when searching for competitive players and servers.

-Improved overall search times in competitive queue mode.

-Added a client message when the wamup period ends.

-Extended competitive match warmup period to 90 seconds.

-Message of the day will automatically dismiss itself when competitive match starts.

-Added an explanation to competitive cooldown timer for clients.

-Added a condition to apply competitive cooldown to players who have disconnected from the match.

-Implemented scaling cooldown periods for repeat incidences.



-Rearranged props below the boost-up ladder to prevent players jumping onto the ladder without boosting

-Clipped off various tiny ledges

-Made small props protruding from walls non-solid

-Fixed visible nodraw in ceiling hole



-Fixed a long standing bug where you could lose mouse input when you got to the team select screen.

-Fixed a bug where the color correction during freeze time did not account for the players also being invulnerable during the new warmup - this fixed the CC gap at the start.

-Fixed some bugs relating to the warmup notification not reliably showing for late joiners.

-The chat now displays when the warmup has ended, just like when it is in progress.



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