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Video Card Question.


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I got the Radeon ATI 5450 1gb for my PC. I got it because it was cheap and it can play a lot of games like Borderlands 2 on medium settings and Saints row the third. And can also max out source games.


Iv'e been using this website called http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/ where it would tell me if I can run the game why or why not. It's been saying that I can not run some games since my video card isn't good enough.


Example: The minimum requirements for sleeping dogs is a ATI Radeon 3870. But it still says I failed that part even though my card is 2 generations newer then that card. Does that mean that the 3870 is a stronger card then mine?

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I don't think it's your video card that is failing. I could suspect you have too little VRAM or DX version but chances are, that's not accurate.


SystemRequirements also work off other attributes.


Post your screenshot of the result and we'll have a clearer picture.

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  eNiGMa# said:
I don't think it's your video card that is failing. I could suspect you have too little VRAM or DX version but chances are, that's not accurate.


SystemRequirements also work off other attributes.


Post your screenshot of the result and we'll have a clearer picture.


My card has DX 11 haha thats what makes it a pretty good card for being so cheap.



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  eNiGMa# said:
Looks like SystemRequirements is herpaderp xD


Hahaha thanks for telling me! Now I can ruin my life some more with more games :P


We should add a thumbs up/thumbs down system with karma on the forums (like reddit). It would make it cool xD

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My guess is how SystemRequirements picks video cards. It sounds stupid but I think unless it falls under a certain list of video cards (it reads it as 'shitty').



Probably becuase you have an entry level 5xxx card whereas it wants a high end 3xxx card. you see how it's a 5450 whereas it's listing a 38xx. It probably will look for a 58xx card too.


The 38xx is a high end (For its generation at least) whereas yours is an entry level of this generation.

Edited by enigma#
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The reference 3870 was manufactured with 320 stream processors clocked at 900 mhz and a 256 bit memory bus with GDDR4 memory chips.


Contrary to the 5450's 80 stream processors and 64 bit memory bus sporting GDDR3 memory.


The only thing that would set the 3870 below the 5450 would be that it's incapable of DX11 and OGL 3.2.

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  djdevilmonkey said:
Oh. Still, it being incapable of DX11 sucks lol



"Contrary to the 5450's 80 stream processors Clocked at ?? mhz and 64 bit memory bus sporting GDDR3 memory."


That's arguable, granted so many games still utilize DX9/10.


The clock speed is irrelevant, but they came at 650 mhz.

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