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Banned For Using Sound.


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I go into the 24/7 office server and i start playing..Now Im going through long hall, i enter where the first set of hostages are.. No t's there, i work into the projector room i hear the guy in the little cubby hole where the table is next to me so i go around and once i seen him i 1deaged him and the other guy behind the wall in projecter started running so i turned and shot him 3 times. and just because i had a high score in the map, i was kicked and banned due to them assuming i hack.. So if its possible i would like to get Unbanned For lack of evidence Unless they have a demo with CONCLUSIVE proof that i hack.. I know im new and my opinion doesnt mean much but this kinda sucks when im just looking for a fun pub to play.

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When I google your steam ID, I get 5 pages of results and numerous bans. That combined with your 1 entire season of Open and your suspicious activity in our servers makes for a bad case against you.





Apparently you don't like our servers that much. GTFO.

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LMAO THAT LAST ENTRY Is bull and u know it...Now ur just trying to get me banned ASK Reaper...I never said the server was crap...And for the record do any of thoes other ban's that i got have demo's or actual proof? Nope. Can it be that i got banned for the same reason as i did from this server..For being good? God forbid that be the case...WE cant have any good people because theyre instantly hackers..Typical. If the ban wont be removed then im done posting.. Since this is a fail.



i never said any of this:



2009-07-14 23:23:32 Say I said "LoL This server sux bawls deuces".

2009-07-14 23:17:16 Say I said "5 awp shots dead on u".

2009-07-14 23:17:12 Say I said "wow access".

2009-07-14 23:07:54 Say I said "LOL cute in the air".

2009-07-14 23:24:42 Say I said "lol sjhitty server".


So you better get your facts straight..

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Step 1. Apologize for any inconvenience and assure HG you will cause no problems.

Step 2. Delete any esp or hacks that are installed on your computer

Step 3. ..umm, a lil help

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Here, I'll lay it out for you, because you're a little dumb.




That is YOUR steam ID I searched, correct?




Entry from the NTF.




Chat log from the NTF.






Entry from D2DM.




Chat logs from D2DM.



Those are YOU.



Also, if you're so great, why do you have 1 season of CAL Open under your belt and nothing else? You also seem to need to change your name a lot, each ban report of you on those other sites uses a different handle...hmm...wonder why that is...



EDIT: JJK I think Step 3 is Profit!

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lmao ur funny kid. And u seem to be the dumb bitch... So what i change my name?? People change theyre names all the time.. But i guess you cant think that far ahead can you.. But w/e this is just another fail community where good people are shunned upon..GG peace **** lips.

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lmao ur funny kid. And u seem to be the dumb bitch... So what i change my name?? People change theyre names all the time.. But i guess you cant think that far ahead can you.. But w/e this is just another fail community where good people are shunned upon..GG peace **** lips.


No more fail community for you.


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