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Have you ever gotten suspended from school?


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Fighting and cutting class. At least 40+ times in 4 years of high school... Also slammed a pay phone receiver on a teachers hand so hard it shattered his hand. ( Dick shouldn't of hung the phone up on my dad!)


Pish pay phone... oldie :P

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lets see...

4th grade: suspended for 1 day for cursing

6th grade: got into a fight, suspended for 1 day

7th grade: suspended for throwing rocks(didnt hit anyone)

8th grade: referral during the last week of school for cursing out my P.E. teacher rofl.. I still walked though ;)

9th grade: N/A

still in 9th grade, but yeah it was stupid

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I got suspended in high school for a day because I tried to convert my Jewish teacher by explaining how her beliefs were against the truth of God and would send her to hell.


I tried...


That's the kind of thing I would get in trouble for.


One of my personal favorites was when I convinced my 60 year old planning teacher than redtube loaded faster than youtube, while she was trying to show a presentation to the class.


God, I miss high school. Now a days we just do silly things like put wireless mouse USBs into the computer hooked up to the projectors in our lecture halls, and close the powerpoints while the professor is talking. But only if the teacher is cool, of course.

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One time, for 2 weeks in middle school for stabbing someone in the chest with a Sharpie, the pointy type. Like Laz, I got in trouble one time when my Hasidic Jewish teacher went on a rant against organic food and I berated her for claiming that organic food is a marketing scam, and that yet she believes in kosher food, and in the end, calling her an embarassment to Jewish people.

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No suspensions, just a couple of detentions for lateness lol.


I got into fights, but I was good enough to win them all and the teachers never found out.


Not saying I'm proud I got into those fights, but it's always good to know that you can fight and can win when the odds are 6v1 :)

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I got suspended in high school for a day because I tried to convert my Jewish teacher by explaining how her beliefs were against the truth of God and would send her to hell.


I tried...




I got in trouble for replacing all the wallpapers and the TV in my school with this picture of Justin Bieber



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I kept getting into fights in Elementary because people were picking on me because I was white >.> For Middle school it was just drama but Highschool is just a train wreck X_X And I still don't know how the fuck I get throw out of 8th for Gang Related Activity. They said something about me drawing on the walls >.>

You live in Alaska.. did the eskimos gang up on you or something?

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one time in 3rd grade I was playing holding tag (a tag counts as holding someone for 5 seconds) with some people and when I was it I accidentally scratched a girl and apparently she bled from it and I had an in-school suspension for attempted assault for two days.


oh private schools

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3rd grade year:

1st suspension - FIGHTING

2nd suspension - FIGHTING

3rd suspension - FIGHTING

4th suspension - CURSEING

5th suspension - ASSAULT WITH A WEAPON

6th suspension - FIGHTING


4th Grade year:

1st suspension - FIGHTING

2nd suspension - CURSING

3rd suspension - ASSULT

4th suspension - FIGHTING

5th suspension - THREATENING

6th suspension - FIGHTING

7th suspension - FIGHTING


5th Grade year:

1st suspension - FIGHTING

2nd suspension - FIGHTING

3rd suspension - FIGHTING

4th suspension - FIGHTING

5th suspension - FIGHTING

6th suspension - CURSING

7th suspension - ASSAULT WITH A WEAPON


9th suspension - VANDALISM


6th Grade Year:

1st suspension - FIGHTING

2nd suspension - FIGHTING

3rd suspension - THREATENING


7th Grade Year:

1st suspension - FIGHTING

2nd suspension - VANDALISM


8th Grade Year:

1st suspension - RACISM

2nd suspension - FIGHTING

3rd suspension - ASSAULT WITH A WEAPON

4th suspension - GANG RELATED ACTIVITY


9th Grade Year:

1st suspension - THREATENING


Definitely could believe this

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No but i've been in trouble for playing a game that involved kicking each other off on the monkey bars and the school didn't really like that. Technically I had a one day in school suspension for getting punched in the face. HURRRRRR PUBLIC SCHOOL.


edit: I had two in school suspensions, both times for getting hit in the face. BUT I SWEAR I WAS ONLY HIT IN THE FACE TWICE.

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