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Have you ever gotten suspended from school?


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No but i've been in trouble for playing a game that involved kicking each other off on the monkey bars and the school didn't really like that. Technically I had a one day in school suspension for getting punched in the face. HURRRRRR PUBLIC SCHOOL.


edit: I had two in school suspensions, both times for getting hit in the face. BUT I SWEAR I WAS ONLY HIT IN THE FACE TWICE.

So, someone beat you up and you were suspended?

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I was suspended for 45 days and 20 hours of community service for bringing and knife and "making threats with it" in high school in my senior year and missed prom also spring break in the middle so i missed 2 whole months of school but still walked also in 8th grade forged hall passes and got a detention for it and was late once and got a detention for that.

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yes here is my story of detentions and suspensions im making it like polar's

5th grade


1st detention: COPYING





6th grade


1st detention: BOTHERING

2nd detention: TALKING

3rd detention: TALKING

4th detention: TALKING

5th detention: TALKING


6th detention: MOAR TALKING

7th detention: GUESS WUT


7th grade ( were im at now)


1st detention: CAUGHT KISSING

2nddetention: talking

1st suspension: vandalism(they thought i destroyed the windows of my class))

3rd.detention: TALKING


and thats all folks!

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Never really been suspended but our school ran on "points" which were bad and i had 5 because i recorded a fight and distributed it over the internet. I was yelling for them to "fucking start fighting already!" and pushed one into the other.

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I was suspended for 45 days and 20 hours of community service for bringing and knife and "making threats with it" in high school in my senior year and missed prom also spring break in the middle so i missed 2 whole months of school but still walked also in 8th grade forged hall passes and got a detention for it and was late once and got a detention for that.

I don't know how you still walked, at my school if you miss like 18 days of class it's the boot.

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i was post to get suspended in the 7th grade for cheating on a test but called me up and told me that im in trouble blah blah blah and i would be called to come i tomorow when the person in charge of discipline was in. somehow they probably lost my slip and i never got called in. the teacher always was like did u get in trouble yet?

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Suspended in the Eight Grade because I got punched in the stomach, but the teacher grabbed me before I could retaliate...?

Needless to say, the Asst. Principal was overheard by my father saying how he didn't like me, not only was he fired, but beat up at a bar. Haaha


Suspended Senior year of High School for skipping my unassigned block... !?

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