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What do you think of a good CPU chip to buy


I have built one AMD and SEVERAL INTEL syetems... I was wondering what people were running out there... and what they think I should upgrade to. I was dreaming of the i5 3570k PROCCESOR http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819116504&name=Processors-Desktops


Past love makers 277mhz, a 1.5ghz, eh duo core e8400, poop i3 bullshit laptop, and my new build, I would like a socket 1155 I don't know if price matters.. but I don't like to tfeeling of being ripped off


I love throwing

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If you want the 1155 platform, I'd recommend the 3570k for gaming. Hands down, one of the best on the market right now. If you're doing some video editing or anything that requires heavy CPU usage, get the 3770k. Pair that up with a GTX 570 or better and you should be set.

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I like the instant feed back! hell yeah!


Its between the i5 sandy 2500k and the i5 ivy wiener 3570k I like that price range. my last core 2 duo e8400, costed 185 bucks/scrilla


Manage to pick out a awesome heat sink.. my main concern with heat sink is the weight of the device... xigmatek gaia http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835233082&name=CPU-Fans-Heatsinks its been sitting next to my keyboard for months. just waiting... lol I cooler before that was a artic cooling 7 under load its at 45c



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Will 8 gigs of ram will be enough for a everyday gamer and computer user.

I do encode/rip stuff from DVD or BlueRAY ray.

RAM timming 9-9-9-24 is lower numbers faster? or higher numbers?


Yeah that's enough. If you're overclocking get the 2500k or a good heatsink with the 3570k because it gets hotter as it overclocks.

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  • 1 month later...

What do you think of a good CPU chip to buy


I have built one AMD and SEVERAL INTEL syetems... I was wondering what people were running out there... and what they think I should upgrade to. I was dreaming of the i5 3570k PROCCESOR http://www.newegg.co...essors-Desktops


Past love makers 277mhz, a 1.5ghz, eh duo core e8400, poop i3 bullshit laptop, and my new build, I would like a socket 1155 I don't know if price matters.. but I don't like to tfeeling of being ripped off


I love throwing


I have actually just ordered that CPU.

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