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1. Devistator

2. Jailbreak

3. not sure either HG Jesus or AyKayPanda

4. STEAM UserID STEAM_0:1:14487272

5. unkown


Umm i was banned from jail break very randomly... in the middle of taking T's to the knife fight as lead CT


I would like to be unbanned or know the reason why i was banned . This happend at around 1:15 am Hawaiian time

Edited by Moto
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Well first off there is no such thing as "Hawaiian Time", as for the ban neither of them have perma ban so you should be fine 1-2 hours at max from now. Here is a checklist of why you could have been banned, check and see if any of the following apply to you:

  • Freekilling
  • Mic Spam
  • Arguing with Admins
  • Fighting with other Players
  • Racist Remarks
  • Going in a T only zone
  • Being an @$$
  • Hacking

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Well first off there is no such thing as "Hawaiian Time", as for the ban neither of them have perma ban so you should be fine 1-2 hours at max from now. Here is a checklist of why you could have been banned, check and see if any of the following apply to you:

  • Freekilling
  • Mic Spam
  • Arguing with Admins
  • Fighting with other Players
  • Racist Remarks
  • Going in a T only zone
  • Being an @$$
  • Hacking


Actually, Hawaii has its own time zone. GMT -10.



But yeah, waiting on ban report.

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As far as I am concerned there are only two time zones the East Coast and every where else....


And I am glad you liked my list Moto :), I put in some hard time getting it together.

Edited by Papa John
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I think saying "Hawaiian Time" is much smarter than the "Real" time. Frankly if I didn't know I wouldn't waste the time to look for the "correct" terminology because I would hope everyone is smart enough to know Hawaii. Other than the needless remark though nice list.

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I would have though most people would know that Alaska and Hawaii both have their own time zones due to geographical location. GMT -9 and -10, respectively. Or Eastern time being -5, and with Hawaii being 5 zones back, making it -10. I dunno. Math and all.

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