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Some interesting stats collected on our website


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"This is more intended by trivial reasons, I don't think it can be counted as 100% accurate... "


Our first website appearance: May 2nd, 2006 at 6:36:28 PM UTC.



So how do people find HeLLsGamers,


Short of searching "HeLLsGamers", People have hit our website using these search terms


"minecraft blueprint maker" (and the variant "minecraft blueprints maker"

"tf2 medieval mode servers"

"pikeachu use thunder smash" in fact, this search query fares better than "hellsgamers jailbreak rep?" lol


Another interesting search term I haven't seen in awhile is: "waffles whitelist"


In good news, "best jail server" is increasing as a popular search term (should that be a good thing? xD)




Surprise surprise, when it comes to males and females, females are moderately underrepresented at HeLLsGamers whereas males are SLIGHTLY overrepresented.


When it comes to ages, people 18-24 are majorly overrepresented in HG whereas Clark, Grizzly, Faded (TEDDY!), Monkey , are significantly underrepresented. (Obviously they are not counting the people under 18 xD)


People with kids are majorly underrepresented. Thank god, their kids don't have to play jailbreak.


There are more people that browse from work than at home. ;)


When it comes to economics, people 18 or older that make 0-30K yearly income make up the majority of our population.


When it comes to education level, most of us 18 and older are college level educated!


Finally, Asians are significantly underrepresented in this community whereas other races fare better here. (Laz looks like we're the only few here xD)




now some bad news :(


Our webpage has a bounce rate of 48.6%, meaning about half of the people (and bots) that hit our site will go to another site after visiting our page once. In the 3 month outlook, we're doing better at 33.9% though.





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