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Serious Sam 3 Update Released


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Update 171000


- Player now has correct animations in 3rd person when wielding the axe.

- Fixed fast-firing exploit on SledgeHammer/Axes.

- In versus game modes, C4 projectile can now be picked up by any player after it has been idle for a while. In non-versus game modes, it can only be picked up by the player who threw it.

- In versus games, C4 bombs now collide and bounce off of enemy players when hit, rather than pass through them.

- After respawning, players can no longer trigger C4 explosives that they threw before being killed.

- When a player is killed in versus game mode holding a weapon with no ammo remaining, they will no longer drop it as a pickable weapon item.

- Fixed sniper mask not being rendered if weapon rendering is disabled.

- Fixed crashing when going into spectate on DemonTomb, Medina and TombofNefretari.

- Added Tehnopolip after 4 min of gameplay on SV_MedinaDefender.

- Fixed some places on MedinaDefender, CairoCity and UnfinishedComplex where player could get out of the level.

- Fixed falling out of world in Fiaca.

- Fixed error in Sphinx explosive planting script.

- Fixed wrong handling of file case in Linux dedicated server.

- Russian VO for JotN DLC.

- Drag&dropping entities onto script variable in editor did not work in the first line in script. Fixed.

- Fixed a rare crash in FBX skeleton loader.

- Added cvar 'ogl_bCompressCachedShaders' to control whether OpenGL shaders will be compressed when cached to files or not.

- Fixed shader cache not saving properly on OpenGL.

- Fixed some fatal errors not being visible if happened in full screen.





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