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Shadow Isles Patch Notes


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PVP.net v1.70

  • Crest of Honor - Honorable Opponent will now be displayed to the player and his teammates during champion select lobby and the loading screen
  • Fixed a bug where a player's Ranked Solo rating would be displayed before all of his provisional matches had been finished.

League of Legends v1.0.0.150

Twisted Treeline has been remade!

    • New layout and reworked jungle that will push the pace of champion encounters.
    • New altar control objective and boss, Vilemaw.
    • New environmental art, monster skins, music, and sound.
    • New Twisted Treeline items (details are subject to change)

    [*]*NEW ITEM* Blackfire Torch

    • Recipe: Kage's Lucky Pick + Catalyst
    • Total gold cost: 2890 (combine cost: 800)
    • +50 Ability Power
    • +300 Health
    • +350 Mana
    • Unique Passive: Your spells burn for an additional 5% of the target's maximum Health in magic damage over 3 seconds (effect halfed for AoE and and damage over time).

    [*]*NEW ITEM* Wooglet's Witchcap

    • Recipe: Needlessly Large Rod
    • Total gold cost: 2700 (combine cost: 1100)
    • +100 Ability Power
    • Unique Passive: +10% Movement Speed
    • Unique Passive: Increases Ability Power by 25%.

    [*]*NEW ITEM* Overlord's Bloodmail

    • Recipe: Giant's Belt + Ruby Crystal
    • Total gold cost: 2565 (combine cost: 980)
    • +850 Health
    • Unique Passive: On kill or assist, heal 200 HP over 5 seconds.

    [*]*NEW ITEM* Lord Van Damm's Pillager

    • Recipe: Heart of Gold + Brutalizer
    • Total gold cost: 2962 (combine cost: 800)
    • +40 Attack Damage
    • +350 Health
    • Unique Passive: 10% Cooldown Reduction
    • Unique Passive: 10% Spell Vamp

    [*]*NEW ITEM* Grez's Spectral Lantern

    • Recipe: Madred's Razors
    • Total gold cost: 1200 (upgrade cost: 200)
    • +25 Attack Damage
    • +30 Armor
    • Unique Passive: Your basic attacks against minions and monsters have a 20% chance to deal 300 bonus magic damage.
    • Unique Active: A stealth-detecting mist grants vision in the target area for 10 seconds (1 minute cooldown).

    [*]*NEW ITEM* Wicked Hatchet

    • Recipe: Cloak of Agility + Long Sword
    • Total gold cost: 1955 (combine cost: 710)
    • +20 Attack Damage
    • +18% Critical Strike Chance
    • Unique Passive: Your basic attacks inflict Grievous Wounds on enemy champions, causing 50% reduced healing and regeneration for 1.5 seconds.

    [*]*NEW ITEM* Blade of the Ruined King

    • Recipe: Bilgewater Cutlass
    • Total gold cost: 2825 (upgrade cost: 1000)
    • +40 Attack Damage
    • +10% Life Steal
    • Unique Passive: Your attacks deal 4% of the target's current health in magic damage and heals you for half the amount (120 max vs. minions).
    • Unique Active: Drains target champion, dealing 150% physical damage plus 50% of your attack damage and healing you by the same amount. Additionally, you steal 30% of their movement speed for 2 seconds (1 minute cooldown).

    [*]*NEW ITEM* Ichor of Rage

    • Gold cost: 500
    • Click to Consume: Grants 20-42 Attack Damage based on champion level, 20-42% Attack Speed based on champion level, and 15% increased damage to Turrets for 4 minutes.

    [*]*NEW ITEM* Ichor of Illumination

    • Gold cost: 500
    • Click to Consume: Grants 30-64 Ability Power based on champion level, 15% Cooldown Reduction, and a huge boost to mana and energy regeneration for 4 minutes.


  • Base Health reduced to 518 from 568
  • Health per level reduced 95 from 100




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Eh... Not as excited about this patch as some people. The new anticipated AD cast item sounds weak as hell (10% Spell Vamp is pretty weak, where's the armor pen from Brutalizer?), the DFG nerf is gonna wreck a LOT of champs who depend on that %health damage in this current meta of Jungle Tanks and Tanky APs (Maokai, Amumu, Malphite, Skarner/Diana, Karthus, Ahri, Cho'Gath) and will make them unviable (bye bye Evelynn), and the hit to Ezreal will return him to the tier 3 AD carry that he was before people realized how broken his W was. At one point OddOne called Ezreal the worst champion in the game because of how 1-D he was as an ADC (Pros would just ignore W until lvl 13), and I can see him returning to that after this nerf.


Riot went overboard on a lot of champions (Ezreal, Evelynn, SKARNER, Rengar, and Sona) and neglected a lot of champions who are just waiting for some QoL buffs before returning to the forefront (Riven, Jarvan IV, Ahri, VEIGAR, NASUS, Soraka).


Luckily I'm banned till the 6th so that doesn't matter much for me!

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looks like jayce isn't getting hammered as hard as riot said he would be. still looks to be a strong solo top.

ezreal nerf, as laz said him, removed him from being a strong as fuck pick. Still might want to run an ezreal q max with sona bot lane still for #1 poke lane.

And finally I won't be seeing an AD assassin (WILD RANGO) insta-gib my precious ADC anymore.

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If that lantern has a global effect, I might just jizz in my pants...







Compare that to Hawkshot which has 2,500 range at level 1, this will barely reach from your tower to your lane bush (top/bot lane) if that far.


It's primary use will be to prevent yourself as a jungler from face checking brushes where ganks/invades/counter-ganks might be waiting.

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They nerfed Rengar. But they nerfed EVERYTHING besides the passive which is the second biggest reason he's such a bitch to fight right now. The DFG nerf also seems very unnecessary.


Also Trundle change..? No idea why they randomly decided to make a change to probably the most underused champion out there.

Edited by DarkMonotone
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Tristana (or any ridiculous lane pusher) + Ichor of Rage + Demolitionalist = HUEHUEHEUHEUe tower @ 8 minutes


I like the Blade of the Rune King. Basically passive LS back + a bloodrazer style AD item with a nice active. I hope this encourages people to play ADC more (as if it wasn't already played enough xD)


nvm spoke too soon :(

Edited by enigma#
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They nerfed Rengar. But they nerfed EVERYTHING besides the passive which is the second biggest reason he's such a bitch to fight right now. The DFG nerf also seems very unnecessary.


Also Trundle change..? No idea why they randomly decided to make a change to probably the most underused champion out there.


how do you nerf rengar's passive without destroying his "hunterness". IMO The passive is what makes rengar, rengar.

DFG nerf was totally necessary as DFG was core on almost every single AP mid since the eve rework and it was discovered to be "not so secret OP" they nerfed it to hell and back IMO. and to your trundle comment, karma says hi.

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how do you nerf rengar's passive without destroying his "hunterness". IMO The passive is what makes rengar, rengar.

DFG nerf was totally necessary as DFG was core on almost every single AP mid since the eve rework and it was discovered to be "not so secret OP" they nerfed it to hell and back IMO. and to your trundle comment, karma says hi.

He's a hunter but being someone that plays a lot of Rengar, even I think his passive needs a nerf. It has NO CD AT ALL if you're being chased in the jungle by Rengar YOU ARE FUCKED. The DFG nerf is unnecessary because it's one of the most standard items for ap players out there.

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