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1. Abuser name: Obese_kitten

2. Their Steam Id: Player Obese_Kitten disconnected with SteamID STEAM_0:0:21751945

3. What sever: Jailbreak

4. About what time: Between 12am and 12:10am GMT+1



6. Please tell us your side of the story. It helps us understand what happened during this time.


Right well a minute before he did it he made a ma_csay saying "Will someone report me?" or something like that and then he mass slayed and disconnected, he's normally a pretty good guy on the server so I don't know what happened :S


BTW on the template server is spelt wrong

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Goddamnit.. That would be my cousin.. I let him use my steam to play CSS.. I'll talk to him about it.. Devistator told me that I got reported.. D: I understand if you want to take my admin away.. I obviously made a mistake letting him use it.. Sorry.

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Google I guess? That's how I learned my admin commands.. UN4M3D.. I'm not trying to get out of anything.. I said you can take it away if you need to.. I understand.. Obviously there's undeniable proof that my account slayed everybody.. I'm just trying to explain the situation. Take away my admin if you must.. Like I said.. I very obviously made a mistake letting him use my steam.

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Hah, interesting - since when do you abuse?


I read your explanation and although I am for you because I know you're a cool guy, do keep in mind we hear a lot of that "friend/cousin" type stuff a lot and you do ultimately bare the responsibility of the actions taken on the server - which you apparently do and you are aware of the potential punishment that could be in store for you.


In the meantime, you're just going to have to wait for staff to give this a look over.

Edited by Artillery
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I totally understand that excuse gets pulled all the time.. it's like the dog ate my homework.. well unfortunately this time.. the dog did eat my homework.


I understand it was my responsibility as it's my account.. so I know I'm up to face whatever punishment I might receive.

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Let's see what staffs/councils have to say about this matter. The reason why we don't buy that "my dog ate my homework" excuse is because a lot of wrong-doing players misuse it. But I do believe that there must have been a real case in which ur account might be used by someone in ur family. I have my friends come over and play, but i let them play on different account, but not a lotta people can't afford two accounts.


Well if you could gather enough people to petition it, i bet staffs/councils can review your past behavior and your abuse record. If you are clean, the punishment might be just suspension for a short period of times.


Good luck

Edited by BuLLeTz_FrEaK
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You've got no priors, however I highly recommend not letting any rogue family members have access to your account.


You're off with a warning, don't let me see your name crop up in the abuse section again otherwise you will have your admin revoked.

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