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Ahhhh WTF Dude.

Anal Fister

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So I finnaly build my computer up to an acceptable point. I get everything hooked up, cooling system rerouted filled and purged of all air, new fans installed on radiator, new thermal paste on CPU. And WHAT HAPPENS!. sniff sniff whats that burnet electrical smell. That cant be good. My freakin HD fried. It wont even spin up. CRAP CRAP CRAP.:ooo:

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So I finnaly build my computer up to an acceptable point. I get everything hooked up, cooling system rerouted filled and purged of all air, new fans installed on radiator, new thermal paste on CPU. And WHAT HAPPENS!. sniff sniff whats that burnet electrical smell. That cant be good. My freakin HD fried. It wont even spin up. CRAP CRAP CRAP.:ooo:


Cheap PSU = fried components.

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you should come onto vent and i can help you with this crap :-p i helped ambush out with his video card. i own a business that deals with maintenance and computer construction.


unfourtunaly you cant trouble shoot fried. BURNED UP FRIED. I build computers on the side, so I'm not a retard when it comes to the subject. But I do have another HD that spins up but isn't recognized in bios. Help me with that one

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