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Css Fps Dropped Like Mad


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soo yesterday last time I played, I still had about 120-180 fps average (I have a laptop)

After gaming yesterday I installed a few steam skins (I just descovered that we can like, pimp steam so I tried that) and today I played a csgo pug.

With csgo I had about 15-20 fps on the best settings (800x600 res, lowest details etc), which is terrible but I thought "well maybe it's cause it's csgo, maybe my comp can't run it properly" and I went back to css.

I got about 30-50 fps on css when I pugged after my csgo pug..

I restarted computer, set ALL my css settings to low (even though I always play on highest details etc) and put my steam back to default skin but didnt remove the skins. it changed for a bit, it went back up to 150 fps most of the time, dropping to about 30 every now and then but barely ever.

few hours later now I felt like playing again, my fps doesnt go above 40-50 anymore, usually it's around 20-30 in css.

I always have a cooler underneath my laptop.


I don't know what to do and I'm scurred my computer/graph card might be pooping on itself :(


so yeah I kinda hope someone, anyone, can help me to get it back to normal cause I can't afford a new computer atm, or even a graphics card for my laptop..

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