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Jimmy Points!


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So what the hell is Jimmy Points you may ask? It's a new point system I made up and is trying out, if people abuse it or won't use it, I will toss it. You may have seen me advertising it IG! Jimmy Points is a system where I'll edit this thread every now and then it gets updated, and if you get Jimmy points you can turn it in in Jimmy Points turn in centers (Which I will make at the end of weeks or as soon as I can after a week) and get sweet kick ass prizes! (Not really that kick ass but hey, free shit yo.)

Here's some examples of how you can get Jimmy points!

Giving me coca seeds-If you let me use some of your coca seeds, it will win you 100 points each seed!

Giving me pots-100 each!

Giving me shotgun ammo-500 each!

Giving me a shotgun/uzi-1500 each!

Giving me a M4-2000 each!

Giving me a AK-47 -2500 each!

Giving me a pistol-1000 each!

Pistol ammo-350 each!

Rifle ammo-450 each!

Letting me use your car-50 per use!

Protecting drugs for me (Org only [Necessary Evil]) 1000 per every 10 minutes!

Money WON'T count.

Theres so much more you can win!

guns cost as much as it did for you to give one to me, so if you give me a shotgun, you have enough points to get another free shotgun at the end of the week, same with ammo, you can not trade in your JP's for in game money. REMEMBER/WARNING: Make sure to keep up to date claiming in prizes for your Jimmy Points, if your points get too high, and you want to claim a crazy amount of shotguns, I can't afford to give you your prizes! But most of the week I can.

WARNING: Making me angry can lose Jimmy points, CDMing me on purpose, not protecting my drugs when asked, being a general asshole to me, -1000 for not protecting drugs, -2000 for CDM on purpose, and -500 for being a jerk. Now you may think the list might get too long with people I hate, you will only lose JP points if you have JP points. Happy earning!

People with Jimmy points:

Cat Shit-1000 Jimmy points

Tristan Wiz-100

Quatra Espada-450

Edited by Jimmy Jay Blessing
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So we give you stuff and do stuff for you, for "points", and at the end of the week, we can either claim our stuff back or win a mystery item?


Maybe if it was like a game or somethin.....but you're gonna have to have some pretty good items for guys to sit around doing stuffy for you.

It's kinda like and I owe you thing, if you give me ammo during a raid you can get the ammo I owe you back at the end of the week.

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