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Morde Build


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My only concern is that you wouldn't be tanky enough without say a crystal scepter being in the primary build and being build fairly early.


For God... Sake... No. Just... No.


Morde doesn't need health, he has effective health that scales off damage. That is why he is good, you get tankier by dealing conistent dps, NOT by building inefficient health items. Sunfire is a no. Rylai's is a no. Warmogs is a no. All you need early is spell vamp and damage, damage, damage, damage.

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This is what I use, any tips or suggestions?


Sorc Boots with alacrity (+15 MS perm. since all of morde's abilities, save his ult, are multi target and SHOULD NOT trigger the single target speed increase)

WotA/Hat (depends on Lane)

The Other One ^


Void Staff/Abyssal (depends on Lane)



fixed IMO.

no need to have a slow on morde, your allies should be able to keep people cc'd.

lich bane and fist of tebi don't stack (spellblade)

DFG is good, but i don't like how expensive it is now, seems too cost inefficient but this is how i'd build the huedehuer

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lich bane and fist of tebi don't stack (spellblade)


That's not... ENTIRELY true. The way they work is that Lich (or Trinity if you bought that instead) would deal its single target damage to the person you hit. You would then get the 125% AoE damage from Tebigong on all the targets within the AoE, but NOT the initial target. It's weird, but the how the single target and AoE target spellblades work with each other. In any case, Fist of Tebigong is not a very good item on Morde (too many dispersed or simply wasted stats) overall. I got it one game just to dick around, and it was horrendously useless.

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That's not... ENTIRELY true. The way they work is that Lich (or Trinity if you bought that instead) would deal its single target damage to the person you hit. You would then get the 125% AoE damage from Tebigong on all the targets within the AoE, but NOT the initial target. It's weird, but the how the single target and AoE target spellblades work with each other. In any case, Fist of Tebigong is not a very good item on Morde (too many dispersed or simply wasted stats) overall. I got it one game just to dick around, and it was horrendously useless.

So what item do I want in place of the last?

Edited by Mèrcury
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So what item do I want in place of the last?

Well if you're looking for a six item build, it would look (for me at least) something like:


Sorc Shoes (upgrade Homeguard; Homeguard rocks, everything else is myenh)

Will of the Ancients

Deathfire Grasp (makes your ult do more damage now; applies damage based on max health now; overall I think it's better on Morde now than it ever was before)

Rabadon's Deathcap

Zhonyas Hourglass (Ult someone and W your teammate and you will get both health and shield while in zhonyas stasis; come out lookin like a brand new Mordekaiser

Abyssal Scepter/Liandry's Torment/Guardian Angel (Anti-Mage, DPS, or Defense; your choice)

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My build (which I learned from Bill, and it doesn't lose. Ever.) is:


Start boots and 3 hp pots

farm enough for your first back to buy a hextech revolver,

Upgrade to sorc shoes

get a rabbadons

sheen into lichbane

I used to get kages when I upgraded to sorc shoes, but that doesn't turn into deathfire grasp, you should get deathfire grasp at some point, it's op

if you're having problems with MR get a void staff and it will help you out.

then I turn the revolver into a gunblade for a gap closer if your flash is down.


The reason for this is because you need to ult the ad carry, then smack him with your lichbane q because it's going to demolish him, and then just follow him down and kill him.

Your job as mordekaiser is to kill the ad carry as fast as possible, and if that happens, rape the rest of the team with his ghost. Mordekaiser rolls over everything in almost any mid-low elo games. If malphite is top, PICK MORDEKAISER. he can't handle how much the lane pushes. if you go mid, which you usually should, get wraiths as much as possible, steal your wraiths from your jungler, steal the enemy wraiths when possible. You are mordekaiser, you need all the farm and kills possible. Kill everything and anything that moves.

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