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Teach Me? Face Man


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Sound my ass. Pretty obvious ghosting. Banned till further notice. Read the MOTD.


No you dont know what ghosting is if you think that is obvious ghosting. The only people in my vent channel was brett and robert who were on the other team. And i killed them they were the last ones alive how could have i ghosted? I knew they were there because they broke the glass. It was sound.



Point out to me what was ghosting

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How did you know that there was gonna be a guy jumped into the hostage room? You couldn't know that by sound cuz there was spraying and gunshots everywhere. You were walking toward the door and all of a sudden you just stopped and aimed right at him the very moment he started to jump.

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How did you know that there was gonna be a guy jumped into the hostage room? You couldn't know that by sound cuz there was spraying and gunshots everywhere. You were walking toward the door and all of a sudden you just stopped and aimed right at him the very moment he started to jump.



I didnt know, I was going to peek and he jumped him and then i reacted he was through the door before i even turned to shoot him.

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i gotta agree that this is not hacks, based on the demo. not one of those kills was shifty at all. the jumper even lagged, easy reflex kill. the 2nd kill the ct made a ton of noise easily audible. and the glass gave away the last 2.

Edited by loosesausage
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if it was ghosting dont ban the guy that was being told where they were ban the guy that told him if some1 told me where some1 was i cant control them to stop its not his fault


:dots: use punctuation man; my head was hurt reading ur comment. And how can we track the guy who told him?

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