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I've noticed since the disbanding of the orignal boondocks, N.E, and Grove Street gameplay has been quite. Basing and raiding doesn't happen anymore. No one sits there trying to conjure amaizing bases, or work on their shooting skills and the comptetiveness is gone from the game. I was just wondering what is the communitys input to these changes? Do you guys find the game as fun? Is there anything that could be changed to better the game such as remaking of those orignal organizations? I'm not saying anything going to happen, I just want to know what you guys think.

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Obviously, smaller orgs make the game play more exciting, at the expense of a group of guys you hang out with. Bases are smaller, but raids consist more of a challenge.


There is a lot of raiding, even with the 30 minute rule, we (Blessing) gets raided atleast once every 30 mins when there are 50+ people on, if not more often. Even though these raids fail 99% of the time (:D) it's still fun.


Soon there will be someone, an ex-booney or NE guy who says "Hey, lets make an org that woops ass" and NE will get disbanded, and then you'll have a Limitless/Boondock situation yet again. Then someone will decide it's too overpowered ect. And you get NE again along with another org. Restart.


The one thing I find interesting, is that Blessing stays respectable regardless to the other Orgs, and yet they get the most stick from other Orgs. Admittedly it doesn't have a team of 20 people who have played together for several months +, but it does an extremely good job with what it has; around 1-3 amazing players and 5-7 alright players.

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PERP like every other game on the internet WILL get boring/old/stale. Though, you CAN try to make it better than before, that could go north or south.


Either way, I've heard mixed reviews about the recent updates to PERP. I've heard a lot more people say they didn't like the most recent updates to PERP.


From my perspective, I think adding new content to the PERP server would do wonders. But it has to be something other than cars >.>. Thats just me, idk.

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Obviously, smaller orgs make the game play more exciting, at the expense of a group of guys you hang out with. Bases are smaller, but raids consist more of a challenge.


There is a lot of raiding, even with the 30 minute rule, we (Blessing) gets raided atleast once every 30 mins when there are 50+ people on, if not more often. Even though these raids fail 99% of the time ( :D) it's still fun.


Soon there will be someone, an ex-booney or NE guy who says "Hey, lets make an org that woops ass" and NE will get disbanded, and then you'll have a Limitless/Boondock situation yet again. Then someone will decide it's too overpowered ect. And you get NE again along with another org. Restart.


The one thing I find interesting, is that Blessing stays respectable regardless to the other Orgs, and yet they get the most stick from other Orgs. Admittedly it doesn't have a team of 20 people who have played together for several months +, but it does an extremely good job with what it has; around 1-3 amazing players and 5-7 alright players.

EXACTLY. This is why I didn't leave Blessing as soon as NE was open again. We may not be overpowered, but we still kick ass. There is no drama, what so ever in the Blessing Family, but with big orgs there is drama up the anus. Don't get me wrong, I love Neko/Conkers/Inc/everyoneelse like a family, and when no Blessing is on/wants to base I'll base with NE (Neko lets me :D) I just want to stay a Blessing. Besides, The Blessing Family? Kick ass name.

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PERP like every other game on the internet WILL get boring/old/stale. Though, you CAN try to make it better than before, that could go north or south.


Either way, I've heard mixed reviews about the recent updates to PERP. I've heard a lot more people say they didn't like the most recent updates to PERP.


From my perspective, I think adding new content to the PERP server would do wonders. But it has to be something other than cars >.>. Thats just me, idk.

we should spice it up with a new map and new extras. EVERYONE uses Evocity, Almost EVERYONE drives the Evocity black police cruisers. If we got a new map, new Government official uniforms/cars, people would be trying out new bases, and it would be like a entirely different game. I'm working on a map right now that's going to have a similar lay out to Evocity, instead of Nexus being a tower it's a 2 story building, and it takes place in a small town in Minnesota. Called Eldorado City, that way we wouldn't have to change Medic/FF but just a quick skin change to PD cars and a new PD officer skin it would be awesome. I so far have Nexus,PD,Park,Apartments,a nightclub, a parking garage and a bank finished.

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That's a horrendous idea. Talking shit is no way to resolve anything lol. A lot of people played the game for a while, and it gets boring, what you need to do is change up the way orgs work...Make more things they can do, add more features to the server. If you stop adding things, no one would play. You guys had original org's such as Grove Street, and what not, and since they were disabannaded you guys just stopped having fun, which is wrong. Try encouraging org's to do more raids...and set up awsome bases and just base. I mean, what's a game without shooting? Lower down the economy, allowing some players to get regular pistols...so they can have a weapon which will help them out and what not. Just my 2 cents xD

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That's a horrendous idea. Talking shit is no way to resolve anything lol. A lot of people played the game for a while, and it gets boring, what you need to do is change up the way orgs work...Make more things they can do, add more features to the server. If you stop adding things, no one would play. You guys had original org's such as Grove Street, and what not, and since they were disabannaded you guys just stopped having fun, which is wrong. Try encouraging org's to do more raids...and set up awsome bases and just base. I mean, what's a game without shooting? Lower down the economy, allowing some players to get regular pistols...so they can have a weapon which will help them out and what not. Just my 2 cents xD



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As far as the bases and raiding.


Since there is a 30min wait between raids and not enough orgs.. Its made putting up real bases obsolete just because there is so much time involved.

think about it.. Say you own sky.. all you need is a few frig's and a fence that leads to the doors.. Nothing else. Because if there are say 5 orgs in the server at one time..Not all of them are going to be raiding..most will grow. so @ best your looking at 1-2 raids going on every hour. IMO. The time limit should be set to no longer then 15 minutes. that gives you enough time to get a batch in and start another.. + would make basing ALOT more important.


Fallen will remember the crazy bases we created at MTL.. it was fortified... you had to get past the gates.. then each building had fences/mazes and whatever else we could think of... there is no need for that anymore.. most will buy apts..203,204 and pent and post up.. put a door alarm on 203 door, open / lock it and your golden...


why spend all that money in metal and metal rods to make fences and a ton of other props if your only being raided 1-4 times a night?


I also agree with Timer.. orgs need something to do..


As someone else said..Don't fix what isnt broken.. I think that in a few small cases.. we may have done that.. Im not trying to be negative because many changes were good. BUT Perp when i started was totally insane.. Total caos and thats why is was so successful. We have more mods/admins now then we did.SO we can control it. I would say drop the 30min times.. put it to 10-15. Drop the auto arrest for SHOTGUNS in public.. Many will be happy and you will see BIG bases being created again.. Because then they will be NECESSARY FOR SURVIVAL.


end rank <3

Edited by JaX
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As far as the bases and raiding.


Since there is a 30min wait between raids and not enough orgs.. Its made putting up real bases obsolete just because there is so much time involved.

think about it.. Say you own sky.. all you need is a few frig's and a fence that leads to the doors.. Nothing else. Because if there are say 5 orgs in the server at one time..Not all of them are going to be raiding..most will grow. so @ best your looking at 1-2 raids going on every hour. IMO. The time limit should be set to no longer then 15 minutes. that gives you enough time to get a batch in and start another.. + would make basing ALOT more important.


Fallen will remember the crazy bases we created at MTL.. it was fortified... you had to get past the gates.. then each building had fences/mazes and whatever else we could think of... there is no need for that anymore.. most will buy apts..203,204 and pent and post up.. put a door alarm on 203 door, open / lock it and your golden...


why spend all that money in metal and metal rods to make fences and a ton of other props if your only being raided 1-4 times a night?


I also agree with Timer.. orgs need something to do..


As someone else said..Don't fix what isnt broken.. I think that in a few small cases.. we may have done that.. Im not trying to be negative because many changes were good. BUT Perp when i started was totally insane.. Total caos and thats why is was so successful. We have more mods/admins now then we did.SO we can control it. I would say drop the 30min times.. put it to 10-15. Drop the auto arrest for SHOTGUNS in public.. Many will be happy and you will see BIG bases being created again.. Because then they will be NECESSARY FOR SURVIVAL.


end rank <3

I agree. There are too many strict rules now and people have less freedom. PERP is more tight and less fun. I remember when I used to hardly be able to get a spot. Now theres 50 people on at the most at a given time. I also think we should loosen up a bit on the retail growing rule, have indus A and B, and shops A-D. Those shops are way to big and empty, and are hardly ever used for shops.

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I agree. There are too many strict rules now and people have less freedom. PERP is more tight and less fun. I remember when I used to hardly be able to get a spot. Now theres 50 people on at the most at a given time. I also think we should loosen up a bit on the retail growing rule, have indus A and B, and shops A-D. Those shops are way to big and empty, and are hardly ever used for shops.


Yes they were hardly evr used for shops but did hte rules not state that "shops are for retail purposes only?" Because that rule has been around forever; now rules change and we want to make sure it stays retail.


It's up to discussion and is being looked into for the better of the PERP server, thanks for your comments

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I will just throw my 2 cents in. I, like others, am not very fond of the auto arrest with a shotgun on your back in public. I feel it gives the cop more of an advantage over the player since the player does not know if a cop is coming up behind you to arrest you. And I would lower the time in between raids at least 10 min to 20 min instead of 30. I hope these rules can be re-looked at whenever the next gmod/leadership meeting is.

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