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Funky health


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I got shot in my foot 2 1/2 years ago and it still hurts like a mother fucker. Here in Colorado you can get a medical marijuana card for minor injuries, just as long as you have documentation/ medical records of the issue. I know this because I have 2 friends that have official Colorado Medical Marijuana cards. One for Back Problems, and the other for a dislocated shoulder. So if they can get Medical Cards for those "Injuries", I better damn well get one for mine. Other than my foot, I had total knee reconstruction back in December. Medical Marijuana HERE I COME.


I can't wait to see the look on my probation officer's face when i tell her I have a prescription for medical marijuana LMFAO.


It sounds like there is a story here where you did dumb shit. lol.


Also, start using a trackball for work if you haven't already. I used to use the same model both at home and at work, but I do too much gaming to not warrant a more precise pointing device.

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