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Crusader Kings Ii Updates Released


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2013-01-25: v1.091



- Fixed a bug preventing some people from building new trade posts

- Fixed some instability issues on the Mac and Linux versions

- Fixed bug where taking over the last duchy or higher title from a Merchant Republic could give you Patrician vassals

- Blocked "Offer Vassalization" for one Merchant Republic vs another

- Fixed a tooltip bug for the succession type in secondary kingdoms and empires held by Merchant Republics

- When a regular lowborn Mayor forms a Merchant Republic, he should get a dynasty and become a Patrician

- The Patricians in newly formed merchant republics now get some starting money

- Homosexual characters no longer get the ambition to get married


- Doubled the effect of Prestige on Patrician Respect for Doge elections

- Tutorial: Fixed a crash in Realm View

- Fixed a bug where you would end up at war with your liege if beating him to victory in a claim war

- Added text warnings for Independence wars and factions for Patricians, if it would mean Game Over

- Made Ultimogeniture possible for anyone to take, should they be so inclined

- Added the Barony of Altenburg to Meissen

- Gave Ultimogeniture to the Ilkhanate, the Golden Horde and the barony of Altenburg

- Fixed some issues with sound freezes

- Fixed a bug with the "coastal_county_republic" CB that could make vassals of merchant republics independent

- Fixed missing description for Trade Post garrison building

- Fixed issue where a feudal liege could burn a vassal Patrician's Trade Post

- The correct event picture is now shown when Aztecs sacrifice prisoners

- Fixed flag issues for players who don't own Sunset Invasion

- Fixed issues with the Romeo & Juliet event chain

- Added cooldown before the Seize Trade Post plot can be used on the same character again

- Republic random trade events are now slightly less likely to occur

- Lowered the cost and buildtimes of all Family Palace buildings

- Fixed an issue where the Seize Trade Post plot wasn't properly cancelled

- Fixed a bug where your children in foreign courts would not accept being educated by you

- Added a check for negative fertility on either parent to prevent impregnation of or by celibate characters, eunuchs, etc

- Fixed a bug where culture name lists with more than 100 entries would be cut off at 100 entries due to a low random number

- Fixed a problem where a vassal of a vassal who takes an outside would become a vassal of the enemy rather than the old liege's liege

- The Trade posts of Patricians who become independent should no longer be lost in most cases, but taken over by a replacement family

- Fixed bug making Republic capitals immune to some CBs, like Holy War

- Fixed a bug where a betrothed character who married a different person than they were betrothed to could retain the betrothal even when they were not permitted to have another spouse

- Fixed a bug where the educate child menu would be unavailable in foreign courts

- Fixed a bug where children abroad would not show up in the education menu

- Muslims can now never marry matrilineally under any circumstances

- Fixed a bug where the AI would repeatedly unassign and assign a child the same tutor

- Fixed a bug where a deposed ruler would die on the next day

- The Ecumenical Patriarch's pentarchy will now function correctly

- Pentarchs defined in history files for non-titular titles will now always override Autocephaly

- Titular realms will now use their capital when determing religious head for religions with Autocephaly

- Army AI: Fixed an issue with stupid long range land movement

- The Bishopric of Rome will no longer be renamed to the Lateran if the Move Capital to Rome decision is taken

- Gaining a title you are fabricating a claim on via plot will now abort the plot

- The Anti-Pope opinion bonus towards liege will now be properly inherited when liege dies

- Added field to cultures: [used_for_random = yes/no]. Blocks the culture from being available for characters created with random culture.

- Made it more likely that the Mongol Hordes convert to Islam

- Faction View: The Faction labels are no longer capitalized

- Fixed bug with early holders of Family Palace holdings not showing up in the history

- Increased the random factor in doge elections

- Marcella Ziani now has the correct gender

- No longer possible for close relatives to become a married character's mistress

- AI Patricians are now far more likely to upgrade their Family Palaces

- Multiple assassination events should no longer appear when plotting to kill someone

- The province of Ar'Ar has been renamed to Shaka

- When transfering a vassal, the selected vassal will now be shown on the map

- Can no longer ask to join wars against a ruler who is imprisoning you

- You can now always transfer the vassalage of a duke to the de jure liege of their primary title, even if they hold multiple duchies

- Fixed a bug where a landed vassal who inherited their liege's title would remain in their previous factions

- Duplicate independence factions gained from conquering or inheriting titles will now be disbanded

- Fixed a bug where you would not be able to marry the courtiers of Holy Orders and Mercenary Companies despite them showing up as eligible

- Fixed a bug where the add_spouse command would have undesirable results for Muslims

- Improved Jihad notification event to include the religion and portrait of the Caliph

- Fixed a bug with Tanistry that could cause Game Over

- Anti-Pope will now remain as an Emperor's vassal if you press his claim to the Papacy

- Fixed a bug that was causing characters over 1000 years old not to receive events properly

- Exported is_holy_war to cb_types, this determines whether neighbouring AIs of the same religion will consider joining defensively against the attacker

- Can now ask to join Muslim Invasions

- AI will now ask to join Muslim Invasions when appropriate, and is slightly more inclined to defend neighbours against a Muslim Invasion than a Holy War

- Improved duchy distribution AI

- Fixed a bug where you would not be able to ask a character to stop backing a plot if their answer was no, depriving you of just cause to imprison them

- AI: Will now value Kiev more highly and be more inclined to use it as their primary Duchy

- AI: Will now value prestige effects of marriage at a more reasonable level

- The Muslim Invasion CB now requires either a foothold in or border with the target kingdom

- AI: Fixed a bug where countries with a vassal merchant republic would refuse to embargo _any_ republic

- Fixed a bug where a country who had vassal merchant republics could lose them when _winning_ a war against another merchant republic

- Fixed a bug with the Jizya tax modifier for Muslim merchant republics




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