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not abuse Daniel Fung(?) Admin Abuse


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New to the community, played for about 30 minutes...


I made my way out to a housing district, and some dudes were throwing cars around and one guy shot me, and my blood was all over the door.


I reported it, and 6 cops came, including swat and Daniel Fung. Zaithe (another cop) asked me for my eye-witness report, and I was trying to speak but Daniel kept telling me to "shut the hell up" and something about "GG no RE". So I pressed started typing in the OOC, when I reached back down to my laptop mouse (yes I'm on a laptop) the courser moved and I aimlessly punched. Next thing I knew, my screen went red, and he continued chanting random nerd code.


As I laid on the ground for some minute - 90 seconds, he began arguing with nearly everybody present. Including telling somebody that eye-witness accounts don't mean shit, and that if people continued to pursue, he would demoted all of the police.


When I finally re-spawned at the hospital, he was there, blocking the door with his swat truck, and I said "hey Daniel, thanks for listening, asshole", to which point, he stunned me, taunted me, then banned me...


As I previously stated, I'm new here, but I'm sure this isn't how the initiation process works.



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I told to stop spamming because i was talking to one person you kept it up so i slayed you. Then when you respawned you said "Thanks for slaying me you fa****" at which point Mark was not too happy so he grabbed you. Then you disconnected to avoid admin, so Mark banned you for 1 day.

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And now heres the actual story. You punched Dirty to which he responded by slaying you for punchwhoring. It is true that eye witness accounts don't mean shit and he warned the cops that they can't take them. You the respawned at the nexus and walked out to disrespect dirty by saying "Hey Daniel, thanks for listening asshole". Thats where I came in and picked you up to which you decided to disconnected. I then got your steam ID and banned you for it.


So thank you for reporting Dirty doing a good job and yourself breaking the rules.

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