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Anyone Ever Been To Japan?


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I'm a Nichiren Buddhist, I think you have too be practicing Buddhism because I finally got to go after 3 years, and you basically visit a whole bunch of different temples, I stayed at 2 different monk houses (Don't know the real name) One at Mt.Minabo and one at Mt.Shichimen (COLD AS ALL HELL.) So we did full services there, each a hour long, the rest of the temples we visited we did a small 30 minute service just as a group. When we weren't staying at a temple we stayed at Shinagawa Prince Hotel, which is a really nice hotel that I recommend, we stayed in one in Tokyo and one in Kamakura. (The Kamakura one had an AMAZING view, picture this, a beach, with a lone mountain known as Mt.Fuji with the sunrise right behind the mountain!) It was almost free trip to Japan, what I mean is the temple paid for the plane tickets and the hotel rooms. My mom just had to have 300 dollars in spending money.

I'm jelly.
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