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unbanned Ts3 Banned


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I was ts3 banned last night idk why or what happened, I was outside building a snow man because I couldnt 10man and I left ts3 open and my friend picked up my mic and started talking, I asked her what she said and all she said was she was talking to people and then boom banned, "that doesnt seem fair." idk what she did but I apologize for what she did, I would like to be unbanned because I like to 10man from time to time.


*edit I was told this morning I was banned by Faded.

Edited by CantBeFaded
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You were banned for trolling. There was a male and a female voice under the name "lolcool"

I don't buy the excuse of somebody else did it when it is your responsibility. Especially since you were talking shit when I banned you.

Maybe come back in a couple of weeks when you have had time to think about why you don't go full retard

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That would have been her boyfriend not me. I learned the last 4 times not to troll and get banned, this is crappy but it is what it is.


and I can't really help the fact that my computer is not password protected and they know how to use TS3 I can't do anything to stop them if I am outside because they didn't want to build a snow man :(

Edited by Strafe
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Your computer. Your account. YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. Maybe you should post pictures of your snowman. If I deem it Lt. Awesome then I might unban you.

IDK how I could have been responsible wth it honestly I was outside I had 0 control over what happened inside I am sorry, the snow man ended up coming out to be a complete failure because I was drunk.
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