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(TL;DR at the bottom..... if you're too lazy to read a small page. Just read it, seriosuly, it's not that hard. If you just read the tl;dr, I will know and you should expect a flaming bag of poo at your doorstep tomorrow morning. 'Kay? )


Random thread that I decided to make. Probably most influenced by Kinta's response calling PERP "a lack of fun" and " a server taken over by children." I personally want to try and change that, at least with the admining that I do myself in-game. I know it won't be as significant as I and many others want it to be, but hey, I can at least try.


So, I want to hear what you guys, the players of the server, have to say aboutt my admining that I do on the server. I personally don't think I'm doing enough to make your experience better, and it's effecting the server and your experience. What my strengths/weaknesses? What I should do more/less? What should I change in my normal routine? Comments or concerns? Throw them at me. I'll try to be a better admin, for you guys of course. :wub:


I want to comment on a few, before you get to posting (please do...):

  • Reports: Use /report, give me a name and what happened. I look at every report. I do whatever I can by spectating, looking at logs,etc. However, I will not under any circumstances take action without physical proof and accompanying context. LOGS ARE NOT ENOUGH, TRUST ME.
  • Politeness when reporting: I'm not your bitch. No admin is your bitch. A "please" and "thank you" wouldn't hurt. I've gotten ~5-10 "thank you's" after handling admin situations over 1 year of being on PERP. (This is particularly a pet peeve of mine. If you treat me with respect, I'll treat you with the same. Don't call a player a fa****, bitch, asshole, or any other creative "insult" you come up with because he RDM's you.)
    What to do: /report TehPlaayer is shooting evading cars with a pistol in City.
    What not to do: /report TAHT FUCKING fa**** TehPlaayer is shooting cars when they are only FUCKING evading, BAN HIM FOR ME PLS. (Excuse my language. :( )
  • Age demographic: I can't change it. Get off your high horse and accept the fact that you're playing with people who are in elementary/middle school. Respect them as if they were any other player. I will not kick/ban them because "they sound like a 7 year old."
  • Demos: If you have one, don't go "/ooc Hey _____, you better give me my shit back fa****, I have a demo." I will end up hating you. Post the demo on HG Bans immediately and be quiet.
  • Be honest: Don't lie. I'll hate you more if you do in front of my face.
  • No, do not tell me to become a dA again. Because 1) that's up to dL+, and 2) I didn't like it back then because the job became dull and I thought I didn't do enough... why do you think I'll become one again?

tl;dr : Hi, I'm TehPlaayer, an admin on PERP. I like helping you guys, but I don't think I'm doing enough. What can I do better as an admin to make your experience on PERP a better one?

Edited by Plaayer
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Honestly, keep doing what you're doing. When I use /report in-game and you're on you shoot me back with a reply quickly and I personally thank you for that. Also, try to keep people playing on the server. Just last weekend I held contests for some cars by having them race from so and so to the hospital or country gas and they would win a car. One dude didn't even have a car and he won one of the races and that might have him come back to PERP since he has something to drive. Again, keep doing what you're doing by keeping the server clean of rule breakers by warning them and tell them what to do so they won't do it again. This may not work for everyone, but hey, it never hurts to try.

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  • Reports: Use /report, give me a name and what happened. I look at every report. I do whatever I can by spectating, looking at logs,etc. However, I will not under any circumstances take action without physical proof and accompanying context. LOGS ARE NOT ENOUGH, TRUST ME.

I would like to add to this and emphasize that you need to be as specific as possible. Saying you got rdmed and that's it is not going to get your situation resolved, and will only make you more irate.

Edited by Cookie
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tl;dr : Hi, I'm TehPlaayer, an admin on PERP. I like helping you guys, but I don't think I'm doing enough. What can I do better as an admin to make your experience on PERP a better one?


Offer blowjobs to people who catch rulebreakers.


But seriously, I don't think there's much else you can do. In the end, perp players are not happy if they say /report i was cdmed unless the person that cdmed them is banned. It's idiotic, it sucks, and it makes it so real rulebreakers sometimes aren't caught because people lie in report (I'm not a mod/admin, but I assume people who don't know the rules will say I was just rdmed even though they were raiding, meanwhile you, the only admin on is speccing this guy who didn't do anything, and some guy spawnkills 12 people at nexus then runs up and kills all the cops.

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(I'm not a mod/admin, but I assume people who don't know the rules will say I was just rdmed even though they were raiding, meanwhile you, the only admin on is speccing this guy who didn't do anything, and some guy spawnkills 12 people at nexus then runs up and kills all the cops.


This. Ohmygodthis. So many repots that say like "cdm" or "rdm" or "johnny shot me". Most times, as long as im not doing something myself (in a raid, defending a raid, doing a job) i'll hop into spec and take a look, but 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of the time theres virtually nothing to go on and when I try to talk to people about what happened they either just get frustrated that i'm not slaying/banning someone or they wont give me anything to go on.


For the love of fuck, demo. demo demo demo demo demo demo demo demo demo demo demo. if you dont want to demo because you dont want it to show you breaking rules yourself, you dont get to complain about people possibly breaking rules against you. if you demo'd, you wouldnt have that problem.

Edited by Inc
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This. Ohmygodthis. So many repots that say like "cdm" or "rdm" or "johnny shot me". Most times, as long as im not doing something myself (in a raid, defending a raid, doing a job) i'll hop into spec and take a look, but 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of the time theres virtually nothing to go on and when I try to talk to people about what happened they either just get frustrated that i'm not slaying/banning someone or they wont give me anything to go on.


For the love of fuck, demo. demo demo demo demo demo demo demo demo demo demo demo. if you dont want to demo because you dont want it to show you breaking rules yourself, you dont get to complain about people possibly breaking rules against you. if you demo'd, you wouldnt have that problem.


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  • Reports: Use /report, give me a name and what happened. I look at every report. I do whatever I can by spectating, looking at logs,etc. However, I will not under any circumstances take action without physical proof and accompanying context. LOGS ARE NOT ENOUGH, TRUST ME.

  • Politeness when reporting: I'm not your bitch. No admin is your bitch. A "please" and "thank you" wouldn't hurt. I've gotten ~5-10 "thank you's" after handling admin situations over 1 year of being on PERP. (This is particularly a pet peeve of mine. If you treat me with respect, I'll treat you with the same. Don't call a player a fa****, bitch, asshole, or any other creative "insult" you come up with because he RDM's you.)
    What to do: /report TehPlaayer is shooting evading cars with a pistol in City.
    What not to do: /report TAHT FUCKING fa**** TehPlaayer is shooting cars when they are only FUCKING evading, BAN HIM FOR ME PLS. (Excuse my language. :( )

As plaayer said I want to point out 2 things I have highlighted

1. The logs, they do not provide context someone can walk up to a player and punchwhore him then get shot in the face and I only see the kill. Or you may have had a verbal warning. Logs are not enough. (Console Is flooded with them for me sometimes they get deleated after 4m or so depending on how many logs show up.)

2. Politeness. Its a simple thing, If you call me a fa**** then walk away 5m later you complain in /report becouse you where rdmed most likely im only going to spec you for 1m then stop becouse I do not see anything.

If you respect admins AND players we will look into it harder.


And also PLEASE start demoing. Complaining in /report dose little to nothing we do try to look into some reports but sometimes nothing happens becouse we see no proof. HG Bans is there for a reason start making ban requests with your demos 95% of the time problems are resolved there and not on /report

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You are actually one of my favorite admins, who am I kidding, I love them all, I think you are a great admin and you should continue what your doing. I'm sad that I haven't been on PERP in a while, my brother doesn't have a job so I can use the gaming computer to play PERP (it crashes on my laptop) Whenever I can get on I just, don't know what to do and end up getting bored. Just my personal problem, nothing on you guys, anyway you are a awesome admin, and keep doing what you are doing! <3

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