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Takistan Life: Revolution Server


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Would anyone be interested in an HG Takistan Life: Revolution server for Arma II? It is a game that requires no modding. I am interested in getting one, and was wondering if any other HG members/recruits would be wanting to play it. I don't really like his videos, but RhinoCrunch has some good Takistan videos [see below] . For those of you who play Gmod PERP, it is sort of like that in the sense where you can go the legit way being a civ or the illegal way (drugs). Cops patrol areas and set up checkpoints to see if civs are being good civilians! There are the terrorists that cops and them have a on site DM. Check it out if you play Arma II. When Arma III comes out, there will be a Life: REvolution mod out for onbe of the new maps. Check it out and if you're interested in having an HG server, write it on here and I'll talk to the leaders that I will need to talk to!





Edited by hungryhippo13
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