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Permanent global ban for unintentional micspam


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1. Your in-game name: DAgger ︻デâ•ÂÂ一

2. Server that you where banned on: D2DM - but am permanently banned from all servers

3. The Banning admin: HG | BuLLeTz_FrEaK

4. Your Steam-Id:STEAM_0:0:25472206

5. Reason for ban: i was very confused as to why i was banned at first, but apparently my microphone was broken and when i tried to talk it would make a very inaudible static sound. This admin thought i was intentionally trying to micspam and permanetely banned me, which even if i was spamming seems a little too harsh. This is a new steam id but i have been playing on the HG dm surf server for years, i would really appreciate to play on it again, as it was one of my favorite servers (one of the few non rpg dm surf servers and had a pretty good community). I have since bought a new microphone which works fine.


Thank you for your time.

Edited by Terry Taco
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