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any staff see this, meet me in vent tommrow


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I'm done with carl, he spams vent, insults Jessica, and doesn't take a hint, can we please ban him....



and i quote: "jobs out of the kitchen"


So he does what every other person in HG does? Anyways, I've never heard him spam vent at all, and as for insults, well, they kind of come with the game. I don't know what your beef with him is, but I think you both need to chill.

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So he does what every other person in HG does? Anyways, I've never heard him spam vent at all, and as for insults, well, they kind of come with the game. I don't know what your beef with him is, but I think you both need to chill.


I agree with this post. I don't think Carl should be able to get away with this. If anyone else gets insulted on the servers..they get warned...then kicked...then banned. Why can't Carl be the same. There has been many times where he was insulted me and I banned him today from JB for doing so.


I am tired of this crap too. He shouldn't be able to get away with it.

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It was absolutely stupid sitting in vent earlier this morning listening to him say "OH RERRY?" over and over and over, and acting like a typical newfag from /b/


I rage on these forums too much :(




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Nice tool in vent. Rt-click any name > View > record/Playback.


Record. (Records your current channel's audio)


Bring up window again to stop.


Export to WAV file.


Convert to MP3 using audio editor (such as Audacity, it is free and does alot besides conversions).




Use this to your benefit only in important cases of Vent abuse. We know we all cut up in Vent and that is normal. BUT if someone is truly being abusive or needs attention, it may not be at a time of day when someone can come in and help out, or are just not notified if in another channel.


Please dont use this info to start posting useless vent traffic. This is for the more important cases.


PS: I know Carl's voice and it is stuck in my head now.


PPS: I do not know if the raw Vent Recording File, .VRF, is exportable/importable in that format from one Vent user to another, but if so, that would be the better format to use in this case. It would should the list of transmissions/user names for each key-up.

Edited by Moto
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