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Far Cry 3 (Personal Review :p)

Ethan Mars

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Finished Far Cry 3 and it was obviously better than Far Cry 2. This actually deserves more awards. In this review, I try to give more criticism to lessen the ratings and not make them insanely high. So, here we go...




Have you seen this game's trailer? Its absolutely realistic looking with awesome looking flora,debris and foliage. It even has some destructible enviroment properties such as the spreading of fire across grassfields.


GAMEPLAY: 7.5/10

Its a good game. Quests are A-okay but some may get repeititive and boring. Its a mixture of some good quests and some boring fetching quests.


STORY: 8/10

Had an interesting story, but actually, I've seen alot of scenarios of people getting trapped and kidnapped on an island. Characters are all unique and have their own traits. Some are druggy, friendly, tradition-freaks and of course... insane.


SOUND: 9/10

Good soundtrack and ambience. Car radios play tropical or reggae music. Keep an eye out for "The Ride of Valkyries".



There are collectibles throughout the island. You can either choose to do some side quests or screw around the island after you're done with the story.



Overall a great game. You should buy it. Its kind of expensive but once you play it, its gonna be worth it.


There's four play co-op so might as well enjoy the game with some buddies :)






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2/10 would not play again. Ending didn't have enough content and ruined it for me.


I cant even..


The game was amazing and made my jaw drop at a few points. The only thing is that the story seemed rushed, like as if there should have been a little bit more to the ending. But other than that, practically a flawless game.

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