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Help Please!


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Back in the day (Referring to about maybe a year ago or so), I used to play on the PERP RP server all the time. My computer's motherboard got shorted out, which restricted all gaming whatsoever. Any-who, I decided about 4 hours ago that I would get back into the server because a friend had referred me to it, so I went through the agonizing time it took to DL everything the server had to offer, just to find that all my old info that was originally on the server back in the day, was not there anymore. I was a Silver donator, and had all of what someone who played 4 hours a day on average would have. (Tons of money, a bunch of cars and whatnot). I originally assumed that all of this info was stored through my Steam ID, and I would be able to retrieve it. Apparently this isn't the case? Could really use a response to help out.


P.s. I though maybe being a donator would help me out with getting my stuff back?


TL;DR: Want old donator account back on the server so I can play again.





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gold costs $15 monthly, and silver(vip) is $10 per month. i wasn't around a year ago so i cannot help you with anything further unfortunatley, since i have no clue what it was like back then. possibly the playtime was switched because of going from perp 2.5 to 3? not too sure but yeah. go here for further information on vip/gold/platinum/black :)https://hellsgamers.com/store/category/8-account-upgrades/

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