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not enough info Abuse Report 10Man Scrim


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I was kicked by an unknown admin on the 10man scrim dallas 3 pugmod server after we won a round on ct side. The very last round on CT side somone on my team defused the bomb in the nick of time and i typed out in chat close than i was kicked. I attempted to rejoin the server and got kicked again. I was also kicked from teamspeak 3. Please check the logs on the CSS server and TS3.




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At this point, due to the lack of context in your screenshots... they're just 'kicks' and don't have a reason associated with it.


Furthermore, due to the way Pugmod parses chat logs, there is insufficient evidence to demonstrate that there wasn't any shittalking (and based off my experience, there is and will be always shittalking).


The amount and who it is geared to needs to be taken in context and severity.


Based on the testimony of Moo and LtAwesome, it appears that there was significant shittalking and unreasonability in the overall situation.


I understand that people like to 'trashtalk' in 10mans and poke a bit of fun at people but please be mindful of who you do it to. Doing it to strangers or people you don't even know is not always acceptable.

I spent the last 10-20 minutes watching your demo and try to get more information about the situation and I don't really see anything conclusive of abuse. However, I don't see sufficient evidence to claim any side.


This is marked as Reviewed. Please take this as a lesson in being more mindful of who you shit talk to, whether you do it or not.

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