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Towns Update Released


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Version 11a


Change: Reduced the heroes appearing rate

Change: All the roofs but the broken one and the straw one will block fluids

Change: Cooking a fish now takes a bit longer

Fix: Health points being reset to a living entity base stats while receive any effect

Fix: Snow birds missing graphics for older save games


Version 11


Add: Citizen jobs and groups

Add: Light items

Add: Configurable FX and music volume

Add: Fishing dock and fishing set items, used for fishing

Add: Food variety bonus

Add: "Interior" roofs

Add: Possibility to set a square area for certain actions instead of a row (IE. planting wheat, building scaffolds)

Add: New customizable priorities (move_to_caravan, build_buildings and feed_animals)

Add: Toggable 3D mouse. Useful to build things on other layers than the current one

Add: New walls and, a new wooden road item, a well and a pond

Add: Ogre, werewolf, snickers, fire head and ghoul isometric graphics

Add: New living, the Snoat! (Snow goat). It replaces the old reindeers and does

Add: Flat blocks for the wheat and all the roofs

Add: Chance to idle livings to move more than 1 cell

Add: Animated living entities even when they do not move (birds, brownie bar rider, ghosts and fire head)

Add: Enemies stats when you right click on them

Add: New damage types and resistances to weapons, armors and monsters

Change: Spanish names for the armor sets

Change: Almost all the effects but the direct ones will not notify with a message when a living receives it

Change: Military items are not displayed on the livings panel if the living have the graphic change effect (IE. Citizen turned to a pig)

Change: Townies will stop the "Move to caravan" and the "Autoequip" tasks to eat if necessary

Change: Big sieges will not stuck the citizens when search a path

Change: Menu item "Delete" by "Delete scaffolds"

Change: Dynamic pile/container configuration panel

Change: Items and livings now are shadowed if they stand in a dark cell

Change: Reduced drop percentage to heads and bones

Change: Green block and green road now needs green color instead of yellow flowers to be built

Change: Wooden block and Wooden moss block removed from the utilities type

Change: Increased the difficulty of the last dungeon

Change: Bone carver item has been removed from the bone armor prerequisites (still in the menu for save compatibility)

Change: Now you can set the maximum stock you want in the "burn items" actions

Change: Military prices increased a bit. Spider bow value reduced.

Remove: Snow birds

Fix: Empty group names no longer allowed

Fix: Mini issues/typos in the xmls

Fix: Citizens no longer will change their mining point after other citizens ends their mine tasks

Fix: Crash when a citizen decides to drop an item when he just died (over a stockpile)

Fix: Incorrect coins ammount was being displayed when loading a saved game (The issue didn't affect the real coins ammount)

Fix: Occasions when a citizen has two rooms while changing personal room owner

Fix: Tooltips in a soldier panel when the soldier list is empty

Fix: Citizens won't move locked items on certain conditions

Fix: Only 1 auto-production item was placed on the queue on some circumstances

Fix: Freeze when a wounded citizen uses a 2nd level dormitory bed

Fix: Projectiles data are loaded properly when you load a game (this avoids the "null sticks null" messages)

Fix: Equipment menus are no longer partly rendered out of the screen


Modders: New tag on the livingentities.xml. Possible values are true or false (default). Used on birds, brownie bat rider, ghosts and fire head

Modders: New tag on the items.xml. Possible values are true or false (default). Used on windows and glass walls

Modders: New tag on the items.xml. It allows a numerical value (default 0). Used on items that produce light

Modders: New , and tag on the items.xml. It allows the values FULL, HALF or NONE (default). Used on items that produce light

Modders: New tag on the actions.xml. Possible valueas are true or false (default). Used on the "burn items" actions. This way the stock number acts as a maximum

Modders: Property "COLOR" removed from the graphics.ini


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