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Hg Tag?


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I was wondering how to get something like HG | beside my name on jailbreak. I just got Gold for the first time so sorry if it's a nooby question lol.

We have three different tags to designate members of our community.

-hg- are recruits. These people likely joined not too long ago and are working to earn their "stripes" so to speak.

[HG] are our members. These people proved as recruits that they wanted to be around HG and were wanted in HG. Normally a recruit must be around for at least 2 months before becoming member.

HG | are our veterans. These people have been around through thick and thin and for whatever reason are still here. For commitment to HG and often for dedicated service, they receive veteran status. Generally, this takes at least a year's worth of recognition as a member.


I hope that sort of explained our tags and rankings to you. Until you join HG as a recruit, none of them are available (and admins will likely punish you if they see you wearing one). Do feel free to apply for recruit though as we're pretty much always looking for more members.

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