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Problems with Web Searching


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I dont know how this started or how to fix this. When i try to surf the web none of my browsers work. My internet works just fine. I can do anything involving using internet. I can play CSS...log into AIM...everything you can think of exept browse the web. Ive tried turning my firewall on and off. Webpages only work at really rando times. Like right now at 2 am im typing on my moms laptop to post this. So if anyone has had this problem and know to resolve it please fill me in. This is really really bugging me. Thanks.


[edit] I use a wireless router. Its from Verizon. To get internet to my computer i have a seperate usb device to find the routers signal. If this information helps then great :)


[2nd edit] I just realized when my web pages arent working my vent wont work either. I have found a temporary solution. I have to keep my computer off for around 15-20 minutes then it will work again. Its so wierd. Ive tried all anti-virs programs and have done multiple full computer scans but come up with nothing. Its annoying lol.

Edited by Mustard
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Did you just bump a post that was 12 minutes old?


Are you sure the AV program you're running isn't actually a virus itself?

Is your LAN connection configured to use a proxy for some reason?

Are you using Tor?

Are there any filter rules set up for your MAC address or IP on your router?

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