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not abuse "[Hg] Slophole - Ben" Kick Happy


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1. Abuser name: "[HG] Slophole - Ben"

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:18968095

3. What server: Jailbreak #1

4. About what time: 1:00AM Western Australian Time

5. PROOF: MWp1I5p.jpg

6. Please tell us about the incident


Slop decided to kick me for saying the "N" word (I won't post it here because I obviously got kicked for it for some reason), as it is apparently racism. However, I'd like to point out that racism means:


a) The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race.

B) Prejudice or discrimination directed against someone of a different race based on such a belief.


At no point did I show any discrimination nor prejudice towards our black friends, nor at any point did I abuse any player on the server.


Claiming any white person saying the "N" word is doing so in a racist manner, is actually a racist way of thinking. Somebody who thinks they would need to look down on whites deeply to think they always mean the worst. Actually, why are you even using the offensive derogatory terms like white people? Why not European-Americans? I said "Moors" later on in the night, and was not kicked for racism, and that is a similarly offensive word used by the British.


There was another player on the server called "The Amazing Racist" (who I had no affiliation with), and he was openly insulting black people. As with my screenshot, I merely used the word once, with no disrespect meant, as well as asked if I was allowed to say it or not after I was kicked. In Australia this word is used frequently with no disrespect meant so if this is a culture thing, can we please not kick on the first time? At least give a warning, people from other countries join your servers and have just the same rights to be able to join them. I'm not seeking a ban here, I'm just looking for a reprimand on Slop mainly because he doesn't seem to see that a single word is not racism.


I'm also aware your rules say "Do not be racist or use racist terms! These servers are for everybody.". Well as I said before, from somebody who is Australian, and anywhere else in the world, this term is not considered racist unless it's specifically meant to be racist. These servers ARE for everyone, so can we give warnings first? Thanks.

Edited by VeniaMors
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typing the N word in chat is enough, in or out of context. Sure i probably should have warned you first. however you should be happy that you were only kicked. some admins will ban.

keep in mind this server is for all ages and a home for all kinds of people. HG has a 0 tolerance when it comes to racism. I know this at a personal level 2+ years ago with HG. since you posted the same picture i screen capped i need not post one. as for the "Amazing racist" guy. I did not see this guy, nor did i see him type anything racist. i can only act on what i see.


Thanks for the post, and welcome to the forums.

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however you should be happy that you were only kicked. some admins will ban.


I'm not particularly thrilled, namely due to this rule:


Admins MUST warn a wrongdoer in ADMIN chat before punishing (except for hackers).



No warning was given as you can see in the screenshot, so to find out most admins would ban without warning seems a bit silly to me.

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If I had a dollar for every every idiot who came onto our forums and told us what racism was I'd be richer than an oil baron. So I'm gonna sum this up for you real nice. We don't give a shit what the context is the word along with other racial derogatory terms are not allowed, there are players of all ages on our servers and they don't need to see that shit. You say you are aware of our rules yet you think you have the right to break them because of some culture difference in Austrailia? okay how does that apply to that on a global term. Also if you read any of the other rules (including the forum rules) you would know that kicks are considered warnings and to not make these stupid abuse threads unless you were banned for a long time. I see this shit again and it's a permanent ban end of fucking discussion.

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