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Won't Show A Screen


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So I was playing games and shit then I had to go do something. I came back maybe an hour later and the moniter had orange (idle) because generally it will do that when it goes inactive for 30 min or something. I hit a key (which wakes it up) and it doesn't work. So I use my case power button and shut it down. When I turn it back on, I don't get a post beep and there is no screen. Restarted 3 times, same result.



CPU- AMD FX Zambezi 6200 @stock speeds with case fan, which is working.

GPU- AMD Sapphire Radeon HD 6850 overclocked barely.

Motherboard- Asus M5A88-M.

PSU- Corsair TX-650 650 watts

HDD- Hitatchi Deskstar 1tb

Case- Cooler Master HAF 912




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I have seen something similar with a few other PC's - there is a chance it could be your PSU failing. (Running fans and drives and motherboard LED's do not necessarily indicate a good PSU - at least in my experience). You could try swapping out your PSU if you have another one around the same wattage - or if that is not an option, if you have a voltage meter you can measure the individual wires. (The most important wire is probably Gray - this wire send the signal that the CPU needs to boot. It should go from 0-5 volts when you power up the PSU.)


Or if the PSU has a slightly burned smell, it's usually a good sign its dying and not supplying enough power for the PC to boot.

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Had this problem again, this time I was on the computer when it happened.


First TS3 crashed and went corrupt and I couldn't open it. 2 minutes later all my tabs got killed on chrome. I then ran a virus scan, nothing came up, I then enabled it to scan all the time. It had an "error". Next thing I know, my windows color scheme changed, it goes to sleep within a split second and then shut down. Now I'm having the same issue, powers on but it doesn't boot.


I would also reseat the memory.


Tried this, didn't work.


try booting with only one stick of RAM at a time and run memtest to make sure your memory isn't going bad


Tried this, didn't do anything.



reseat your video card =3


Tried this with no success.



I have seen something similar with a few other PC's - there is a chance it could be your PSU failing. (Running fans and drives and motherboard LED's do not necessarily indicate a good PSU - at least in my experience). You could try swapping out your PSU if you have another one around the same wattage - or if that is not an option, if you have a voltage meter you can measure the individual wires. (The most important wire is probably Gray - this wire send the signal that the CPU needs to boot. It should go from 0-5 volts when you power up the PSU.)


Or if the PSU has a slightly burned smell, it's usually a good sign its dying and not supplying enough power for the PC to boot.


No burnt smell, the only PSU I have is 400 watts and would not be able to power my computer, and I don't have something to test the PSU.

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The jumper switch: RTC switch. Clear it.


This should clear the system parameters and it may give you an idea where it's failing

If you do any overclocking, it will wipe them clean and you may need change your BIOS settings again.

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The jumper switch: RTC switch. Clear it.


This should clear the system parameters and it may give you an idea where it's failing

If you do any overclocking, it will wipe them clean and you may need change your BIOS settings again.


I love you. Thank you so much.


Please take this offering of wild bird secks.

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