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admin revoked Abusive Admin/moderator (Not Sure Which)


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1. Abuser name: -X7- Sword

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:1:43085888

3. What server: HG Zombie Survival (Gmod)

4. About what time: 8:00 pm

5. PROOF: One of your gold members, Britishmechanic, is a witness to the events leading up to my ban. He understands that -X7- Sword banned me with no proof, and only under false verbal evidence from his friend.


6. Please tell us about the incident: I joined the server, only to be bombarded with a screeching sound by another player over his microphone. I suggested he should stop, but he chose not to. He chose to verbally harass me instead. Once i had enough of it, i decided to use the !votekick function to try to remove him for player disrespect, as he had done numerous times to me. It failed, and he threatened and proceeded to get his friend on to ban me. Once his friend, -X7- Sword joined, he kicked me without speaking to me. I then reconnected, and was playing the game as it should be played. Upon giving advice to some needy players, he told me to shut up. I asked why and he said to stop disrespecting him, following up with a [uLX] kick upon me. I reconnected AGAIN, and to my surprise he was still telling me to shutup and he then jailed me when i hadn't even responded to him in any form. I asked why i had been jailed, and he said i was repetitively disrespecting him. I sat quietly, waiting to be unjailed, and at the end of the round i was banned. Any further details can be supplied by the other players online at the time of my ban.

Edited by Kramer
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I was told by multiple players he was being mean and wanted him kicked. I told him to stop being mean, but he desided to be mean to me too. He came back and was minging. I told him to stop. he didn't. I asked DNA and adam if I could ban him. They said yes if I followed the warn,kick,warn,ban procedure (and I did). So I banned him and suicide approved the ban.

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I'm not going to argue with what he said out of fear of him lying more than he already has, but please speak to Britishmechanic, the gold member, before coming to a conclusion.


*EDIT* I also don't understand how higher admins could have come to a conclusion without reasonable evidence. This punishment was decided by hear-say, which seems highly unfair.

Edited by Kramer
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Britsh is a very new user.


So you establish elitism as a reason not to believe someone? A witness is a witness in a case like this, and he also told me you frequently abuse in cases like this. I say you're just trying to dodge my well constructed points.

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He is a person that has been mean to me in the past. I think he is just backing you up beacase he hates me.


Well that is an opinion that you just now formed. You also seem to be making alot of excuses as to why my evidence is invalid. I'm going to stop replying until a higher admin can discuss what has happened, since speaking to you has done nothing beneficial.

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Ok. I did the prosedue I asked dna and adam and they said I could ban you if I warned you. kicked you. then warned you again. You oviously dont understad that my ban went through multiple high admins already and now you cry wolf to the fourums. It is very imature.

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  • Executive Council

Please stop arguing.


Only post if you have proof (i.e., demos or SS).

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  • Executive Council

X7 Sword, your handling of this situation is not appropriate. You cannot come into the server and instantly kick someone based off the word of your friends. Then teleporting, jailing, and other excessive actions. As DirtyDNA told you, proper procedure is warn/gag, kick, ban. Unfortunately, due to other admin abuse reports on going and ones in the past we have determined that your admin has to be revoked.


Kramer, you are also in the wrong here. Do not block spawns. Disrespect is not tolerated. Please read the rules for our servers.


~Admin revoked

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