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reviewed Sharp_Shooter Abuse Report


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1. Abuser name: Sharp_Shooter

2. Their Steam Id: 0:37719874

3. What server: Zombie Survival

4. About what time: Yesterday

5. PROOF: Below

6. Please tell us about the incident: Kicked another admin, gagged another admin excessively etc

1. Abuser name: X7 sword

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:1:43085888

3. What server: hellsgamers zombie survival (it's on gmod)

4. About what time: 2:18 central standard

5. PROOF: http://rapidshare.co...use console.zip

6. Please tell us about the incident

I kicked him because he destroyed a prop that can usually be used as a crafting item or a barricade prop. He destroyed it denying anyone the access to it as a crafting tool or barricade. I proceeded to kick him and he got pissed at me. As you may know we are both paid admins but he doesn't seem to understand how to properly use what he purchased from his moms credit card as he banned me for 20 minutes for absolutely no reason. Anyways I and a lot of other people on the server would feel much better if he were to have it removed.


Have a good day.


Waiting until he replies

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  • Executive Council

Looking at the logs sharp_shooter, this incident started with you kicking another admin. Which is against the rules for admins. Then after your ban expired you repeatedly gagged X7 Sword.

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I admit to the kicking but the gaging was not me. If you'll look at the console It says "someone gaged" and i'm pretty sure I never typed !menu, I type all my commands out just for instances like this. Look, X7 sword was destroying props and he knows the rules. Who was to stop him? I treat everyone on the server the same, if they break a rule thats their problem not mine. X7 knew the rules when he did what he did. Sure I may have forgot to warn him. I completely agree what I did was wrong. I only want the players on the server to have a good time and they can't do that when someone is busy destroying the props.

Keep note I didn't download the file because I'm on my mobile.

If I did gag X7 which I think I did that day, it was on abandoned mall. My actions are perfectly justified on that one. He was beyond mic spamming; screening into the mic and contradicting everything I or anyone else said. I asked him to stop but he likely never heard me. The few seconds before he ungaged himself was perfect silence. He in gaged himself and got right back to it. Eventually I think the zombies killed him and there was no need. To your response of why didnt you get an advisor? They had to put up with him all day, truthfully I didn't want to waste their time on someone who can't even listen without interruption. So if there's going to be a negative conclusion it's going to be from the warn>kick>ban thing, but as you know he knows the rules as well as I do and believe me, he rarely follows them.

Edited by sharp_shooter
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I admit to the kicking but the gaging was not me. If you'll look at the console It says "someone gaged" and i'm pretty sure I never typed !menu, I type all my commands out just for instances like this. Look, X7 sword was destroying props and he knows the rules. Who was to stop him? I treat everyone on the server the same, if they break a rule thats their problem not mine. X7 knew the rules when he did what he did. Sure I may have forgot to warn him. I completely agree what I did was wrong. I only want the players on the server to have a good time and they can't do that when someone is busy destroying the props.

Keep note I didn't download the file because I'm on my mobile.

If I did gag X7 which I think I did that day, it was on abandoned mall. My actions are perfectly justified on that one. He was beyond mic spamming; screening into the mic and contradicting everything I or anyone else said. I asked him to stop but he likely never heard me. The few seconds before he ungaged himself was perfect silence. He in gaged himself and got right back to it. Eventually I think the zombies killed him and there was no need. To your response of why didnt you get an advisor? They had to put up with him all day, truthfully I didn't want to waste their time on someone who can't even listen without interruption. So if there's going to be a negative conclusion it's going to be from the warn>kick>ban thing, but as you know he knows the rules as well as I do and believe me, he rarely follows them.


The logs record exactly who issues commands. Also, its pretty clear that admins are NOT to take actions on other admins. If an admin is being disruptive then get a Advisor or Division Leader.


Line 4836: L 04/07/2013 - 15:07:03: "-hg- X7 Sword<1:43085888>



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For that he was mic spamming and this I believe was after a twenty minute or so talk between X7 and DirtyDNA. Basically I didn't want to bother him because he was tired with having to put up with X7's childish behavior. Hs was mic spamming and I told him to stop over the mic which he did not so I commenced with the gagging. I do believe I explained my point on this and you have enough proof to do whatever you want. But do keep in mind X7 has been causing trouble since before he joined HG. It would be nice to have a feature on all servers that recorded chat audio with the typed responses. I don't know if such a program exists but it should considering you're going off my word (which doesn't stand very high right now) and logs showing my actions. Have a good day.

Edited by sharp_shooter
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  • Executive Council

Next time record a demo and post it on HGBans if another admin is doing that. If another admin is using his admin to abuse then post an abuse report.


Don't take such matters into your own hand.


Is this clear?

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