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Admins Are Respected, But A Lot Of The Time, Unreasonable.


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I don't think I need to explain, really. The title says quite a lot. I respect Admins, though I dislike how many of them have the inability to reason. They see one little thing, may it be accident, first time or on purpose, and they take care of it as if the victim were a repeated offender.

For instance, I was responding to a fire, and since I was a firefighter I was driving a long, bulky and heavy object known as a Fire Engine. And it's kind of hard to turn, especially when in tunnels! So while going top speed, I happen to smash right into an officer! Complete accident! Though coincidentally there was a paramedic right behind me, but sadly he was too slow. Five seconds later, without any sort of reasonability, HG | Nevodka instantly blacklists me. He doesn't even bother to ask what happened, seeing as most Admins in almost every server in almost every game mode in almost every game (this isn't just HellsGamers) fail to do so. I believe that asking why, or being slightly reasonable would make things easier for both the player, and the Admin.

Here's a quick mathematical equation: RDM + Cars = CDM, or Car Death-match. Though it technically is random, and what I did was, in a way, random! The random is unexpected, and this sure as Hell was unexpected.

What I am saying is that, yes, I believe my blacklist was quickly and unreasonably made, and that so many Admins in the entire world just don't know how to sit down, and listen to a minute story that won't even take the smallest of fractions out of their 'supposed' busy lives. Really, it shouldn't take too long to explain, should it? Hell, I explained it pretty fast with /report, though I had to twice because at first I didn't get it.

My point's been stated.

Edited by Light247
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Our admins have been selected for a reason. We feel that they have a good knowledge of the rules, and will not act irrationally. They don't just blacklist for accidentally hitting someone when turning a corner. The fact that you have two separate blacklists within two hours, leads me to believe that it was not just one small incident. If you feel that you were blacklisted/banned without correct justification, then feel free to post an abuse report on the admin, and it will be dealt with accordingly. (Make sure to have proper/valid proof as well). Sorry that you feel what happened was unnecessary, we try our best to keep the server safe.

Thank you for posting your concerns.

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Rizon instantly blacklists me."


For your information, it's "HG | Rizon" and I'm known as HG | Felix Sean now.


and check this http://hellsgamers.c...=34611-light247


HG | Nevodka BLACKLISTED YOU. NOT ME. check your facts before you put me under the bus for nothing.


And all I said to you was, "If you "CDM(Car deathmatch) you possibly can be blacklisted."



Edited by Felix Sean
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HG | Nevodka

Well that was unexpected. I suppose it's just coincidental you happened to answer at the time. Meh.



Our admins have been selected for a reason. We feel that they have a good knowledge of the rules, and will not act irrationally. They don't just blacklist for accidentally hitting someone when turning a corner. The fact that you have two separate blacklists within two hours, leads me to believe that it was not just one small accident.


I never stated whether it was a corner or not, it was a straight narrow tunnel. And that Medic blacklist seems irrational, I wonder what I did? Did I not respond in time because of the glitchy radar? Or did I revive someone wanted when I was, technically, surrounded by officers? Or could it have been the time that I was unable to respond because of people who can't drive? Really, I'd like to know. Also this enforces my point of the failure to explain. I can't really do much of a change if I don't know what I did. And if it simply drives you to believe that it wasn't a small accident, go ahead, it's your life, you can believe what you want to believe.

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Well this is one heck of a first run on a new server! Since I fail at quoting, I went AFK in PERP and was disconnected, only to come back and instantly be slain. Probably because someone found the drugs. Irony.


If you disconnected when you were dead, or had an arrest warrant or in jail, the server automatically slays you upon reconnecting.


I think there is a glitch where it may slay you for no reason, but that is controlled by the server, and until it's fixed, we can't do anything about it :/


Drugs ain't got anything to do with it. I would suggest not going afk while growing, again, it's the server that kicks you after being afk for 10 mins.

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And lastly, I understand you have concerns with HG's PERP server about how you were blacklisted and you state it wasn't your fault, but let's take a deep look into what you have said and again, Let me enlighten you so your not soo quick to judge my peers.


For instance, I was responding to a fire, and since I was a firefighter I was driving a long, bulky and heavy object known as a Fire Engine. And it's kind of hard to turn, especially when in tunnels! So while going top speed, I happen to smash right into an officer! Complete accident!


mhm, as I thought. "Top Speed" Which for fire trucks it's about 45 MPH which speed limit in the city as the time of this incident was 35 MPH, So you are barreling down the road recklessly anyways by going over the speed limit.


Don't blame other people for your mistakes(i.e. Rizon JUST BECAUSE I REPLIED TO YOUR STATEMENT and your full of shit). "Own up to your mistakes and learn from them."


HG | Nevodka shouldn't have to tell you anything because when you join HG PERP; YOU ARE REQUIRED TO READ OUR RULES AND COMPLY WITH THEM. So when you break a rules and get kicked/banned WE ARE NOT HELD accountable for your stupid mistakes.


Soo yeah again, keep this in mind before you sit here and try make it seem like you didn't do anything wrong when in turn you did.


Have a nice day and learn show some respect to HG's member base and admins.

Edited by Felix Sean
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And lastly, I understand you have concerns with HG's PERP server about how you were blacklisted and you state it wasn't your fault, but let's take a deep look into what you have said and again, Let me enlighten you so your not soo quick to judge my peers.




mhm, as I thought. "Top Speed" Which for fire trucks it's about 45 MPH which speed limit in the city as the time of this incident was 35 MPH, So you are barreling down the road recklessly anyways by going over the speed limit.


Don't blame other people for your mistakes(i.e. Rizon JUST BECAUSE I REPLIED TO YOUR STATEMENT and your full of shit). "Own up to your mistakes and learn from them."


What I'm about to say isn't stated in the rules, but should be stated by common sense. Because the last time I checked when there is an emergency, whether it be your cat drenched in kerosene and burning the entire house down, or your ferret clawing your eyes out, government officials have authority to go top speed.

Here's something I just thought of.

OfficerOne:(Worriedly) "Hey man! We're the only ones available and there's a robbery at this house! But let's not break the speed limit in an emergency! Let's go a good casual 10MPH!"

OfficerTwo:"Good idea!"

But since you're talking about a city, I see your point. And I'm pretty sure you weren't there are the time, your eyes aren't mine.

And let's not forget the fact I never said it wasn't my fault, accidents are still one's fault. And did I forget to mention the person I crashed into was also breaking the speed limit? And since you make the big deal of the speed limit, then I did do something wrong, as well as the person I ran into.

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Even though you are heading to an emergency, you still need to drive safely regardless and you seem to ignore that fact.


I'm done trying to help you understand the admins perspective, someone lock this useless thread.

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