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1. Abuser name: Faded


2. Their Steam Id: Can't find it sorry


3. What server: Hellsgamer Jailbreak(CSS)


4. About what time: Around 10pm to 11pm EST, 12/04/2013


5. PROOF: Demo: http://filesmelt.com...AbuseReport.dem

Starts at around tick 352000

Video of the kill: http://filesmelt.com/dl/Faded_Abuse_video1.avi


6. Please tell us about the incident:

The warden ordered the Ts to get on the back bunk pillows and face shot 4 shot. Faded did not comply with the order and remained afk.

So I killed him after a few seconds even after a fellow ct shot faded with a deagle.

Faded then messaged me in private chat claiming that I killed him before the warden asked him to, in switch I responded to him to not be AFK after the lead gave an order. The time interval between the lead gave the order to which I kill him is more that suffice to follow the order.

Faded then proceeded to FUBAR me and Tlisted me.

Afterwards faded accused me of freekilling others previously, He said"You also freekilled a bunch of people", which I did not do or might have in accident and slayed my self afterwards. Faded did not bring up any specific cases of freekills.

I argued with faded but he refused to acknowledge that he made a mistake or was abusing admin privileges.


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Lead gave order. I didn't even have a chance to move and got killed. After I died I heard the lead say "If they aren't doing this by now kill them." This was said AFTER I was freekilled. After you did this I asked you why. Then you argued with me about why I tlisted you. You know damn good and well what you did was wrong and you still wanted to argue. I tlisted you for 2 hours. You are lucky I didn't ban you. And JJK you will pay for calling this abooooooooooooze!

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Lead gave order. I didn't even have a chance to move and got killed. After I died I heard the lead say "If they aren't doing this by now kill them." This was said AFTER I was freekilled. After you did this I asked you why. Then you argued with me about why I tlisted you. You know damn good and well what you did was wrong and you still wanted to argue. I tlisted you for 2 hours. You are lucky I didn't ban you. And JJK you will pay for calling this abooooooooooooze!

1.Yes You did have a chance to move, it was around 5-8 seconds after the lead gave the order

2. You did not even made any attempt to follow the order, instead you remained AFK. Infact in the demo you can see almost all the T's followed the order when you were still AFK.

3. The lead said "They should be doing this by now", it does not mean that was the moment we CAN shoot the derps, but if they still haven't done it they definitely should be killed.

4. Nope I did not know I was wrong, please prove me otherwise.

5. Even under the presumption that I freekilled you, you did not gave me any warning like stated in MOTD and instead just T-listed me right away.

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1.Yes You did have a chance to move, it was around 5-8 seconds after the lead gave the order

2. You did not even made any attempt to follow the order, instead you remained AFK. Infact in the demo you can see almost all the T's followed the order when you were still AFK.

3. The lead said "They should be doing this by now", it does not mean that was the moment we CAN shoot the derps, but if they still haven't done it they definitely should be killed.

4. Nope I did not know I was wrong, please prove me otherwise.

5. Even under the presumption that I freekilled you, you did not gave me any warning like stated in MOTD and instead just T-listed me right away.


Incorrect it was actually 4-5 seconds after the order, you don't know if he was afk or typing so don't assume shit.

Second of all lead never ever said in your demo "they should be doing this by now before you killed him so now you are making shit up.

Third of all yes, yes you are completely wrong.

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Incorrect it was actually 4-5 seconds after the order, you don't know if he was afk or typing so don't assume shit.

Second of all lead never ever said in your demo "they should be doing this by now before you killed him so now you are making shit up.

Third of all yes, yes you are completely wrong.

AFK=not moving, stop arguing semantics, since it doesn't matter.

Also, the lead said you should be doing this by now after I killed him, go read my post again.

My bad on the time stamp, I never count it myself. It still is more than enough time to do the order since almost all other Ts have done it.

That's not really the issues though, even if I "freekilled" Faded Tlisted me without giving any warnings.

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AFK=not moving, stop arguing semantics, since it doesn't matter.

Also, the lead said you should be doing this by now after I killed him, go read my post again.

My bad on the time stamp, I never count it myself. It still is more than enough time to do the order since almost all other Ts have done it.

That's not really the issues though, even if I "freekilled" Faded Tlisted me without giving any warnings.


Actually from what I remember afk meant away from keyboard, not actually not moving so get it right before trying to think you are right.

And actually you do have to wait until lead says to kill the people that aren't doing the order, and before you try to knitpick this tthere is a rule stating you do have to give about 3-5 seconds after the order before giving the kill command.

And there is no "if" about freekilling faded you actually did, even though he didn't give you a warning you are lucky he didnt tlist you more than 2 hours.


So with that said I will close this thread until another uM or C handle this.

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