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reviewed Servo Admin Abuse - Pirate Day


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1. Abuser name: rxg | Servo

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_1:0:16472500

3. What server: [HG] Jailbreak CS:GO

4. About what time: Between 10:00 and 10:12 CST

5. PROOF: Screenshot and Demoservo.dem

6. Please tell us about the incident

Servo wanted to have a pirate day which was fine, but the rules state in this thread http://hellsgamers.c...age__hl__pirate states that there can not be any rebellers.


The first game, I told him while he was doing a pirate day that he had to stop because there was a rebeller, however he continued on for a bit.

The second round (in the screen shot)


he was informed again that there was a rebeller before starting the round, both in admin chat and all chat but he continued to play the pirate day anyway.

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Sorry, but I stopped when I realized there was still a rebel. For some reason I thought the last rebel had been killed. That was my mistake and I tried to make sure that all rebels were dead before we did this. CTs killed like two of them and after a while I forgot there was still another one.

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The issue is, I told you both times in admin chat and all chat. Yet you choose to disregard what I was saying. I was simply trying to stop you from having a day that would lead to this exact thing happening. I'm not the only admin in the server that mentioned anything to you either.

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If I insisted that I was right, or that I be able to continue this, you would be offering a reasonable counter point. If I simply didn't realize what I did, apologized, and have said that I will try to make sure I don't do this again, I don't see the point in what you're saying.


By all means, make the initial report, since even if I apologized (and I'm pretty sure slayed myself) for my mistake, it needs to be drawn to my attention clearly and deservedly so. But insisting on the point even after I say everything that can be expected of me after I took responsibility for abusing admin powers (by mistake) is pointless.

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Evidence that I am putting in place protocols for myself to ensure there are no rebels during a pirate day even after I have already ensured there are no rebels. I'm putting in place redundancy for myself.


If I didn't take these extra steps when I do a pirate day, by all means, if there's a rebel and I'm being neglectful after having this pointed out to me, report it. Unfortunately I didn't notice the messages in the round you're reporting me about that there was still a rebel. If I was disregarding them as you claim, that would be more problematic, but your charge doesn't say clearly enough what I did. I'm having to do that work for you by clearing up what happened.


Unfortunately, I did act while being short sighted. I won't let it happen again.


Edit: I accidentally attached the same demo twice.



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I think that the fact you felt the need to come back into this tread to post multiple demo of you leading after the fact is proof that you're feeling self-conscious about your leading ability. Not once did I mention that you're "out of control" but adding words into my mouth and your back peddling above seems proof enough.


The only reason I filed the report was due to you continuing to perform the pirate day after being explicitly warned that there were rebellers and any continuation of the day would constitute admin abuse. In the video itself, after being warned you respond in all chat "There are no rebellers" then continue with the slapping. This shows disregard to the rules after being warned.


I'm just realized that the demo I posted got corrupted. I have reuploaded it above.

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Please, I explicitly said that it's fine and expected to make a report for my initial abuse. Don't pretend that I didn't say that, or you can pretend anything you want.


You made a charge against me that, beyond the initial point, was unfounded. You said I merely disregarded what you said. That doesn't say nearly enough about what actually happened. If I had read where anyone said there was still a rebel, and ignored it deliberately, I'd agree, that's out of line and deserves restating.


If you merely said that I disregarded those messages, without admitting that I made some effort to ensure there were no rebels, but merely mistakenly went ahead with the pirate day while I failed to look at the chat log in the first place, you'd be making a more forceful report because you'd be sticking to what actually happened. You're not even willing to say whether I slayed myself or not. I don't remember if I did, I think I did, but I could be wrong. However, you see it fit to overlook it to tell half truths about me. It's not necessary. If I broke the rules, slaying myself was the least I could do.


I don't get why you're insecure that your initial post doesn't make your point clear. I think it does. You keep lobbing attacks like I disregarded the messages that there were no rebels when I clearly didn't even notice them. If you had said that I should have been reading the chat window, I agree, but you didn't think that being that honest would have bolstered your point enough, so you chose to be just a little less than honest and say that I disregarded the messages. It's not true, and that should have stopped you right there.


I don't know how much more clearly I can say that I admit what I did (though FreeHugs doesn't have hang ups about being less than honest about it in his follow up posts), that I abused admin powers, that I did so mistakenly, that I acted in haste, and for that I should be extra careful in the future. If FreeHugs doesn't want to know that I did all these things or doesn't want to acknowledge them, this has nothing to do with me.


Had I disregarded the rules as you said, I'd agree on insisting that I be made to acknowledge as much. Unfortunately, I didn't disregard the rules per se, but didn't realize I had broken the rules.


I can't make it much more clear. I failed to ensure I followed the rules, but I did not deliberately break them. In the future, if I continue to neglect finding rebellers for a pirate day, then you would be absolutely justified in saying that I am disregarding the rules, because now I have been made aware that I acted in haste, and in doing so, made a mistake. You made a perfectly valid point in your report up until you hid the truth a little bit, and accuse me of things that I'm not doing.


If I'm feeling self-conscious about my leading ability, I think I should, since I clearly made an avoidable mistake. So, I suppose I shouldn't be trying to correct that mistake? FreeHugs seems to want it both ways. Just stick to the facts, FreeHugs. If I disregard the rules in the future, you don't have to feel as insecure as you do that the rules won't be enforced on me, either by admins here or by myself.

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