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not enough info More Hg | Kigen Abuse


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Also I will add after I got the barrel back from Kigen, he slays me. The MOTD of the server even says Do NOT purposely cade-break without a reason (i.e. remove someone's nails from props for no reason or shove props in front of users to block their aim).


Kigen, the only reason you had for unnailing my props was for your own use. It's unfair/not allowed to do that.

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  • Executive Council

I was piling the barrels into the corner so that I could create a last ditch barricade. You started stealing the barrels (3) and nailing them to the wall uselessly. I told you to stop interfering with me barricading. Sometime later when I needed the barrels to finish the barricade I unnailed them to use them in an actual barricade. At which point you screamed that they were your barrels and attempted to renail them to the wall uselessly. At which point I slayed you for interfering with barricading. You then proceeded to try and argue with me about it in text chat. I told you to stop. At which point you said you were going to report me to an admin. Since you continued trying to argue with me I kicked you.


It seems to be that since the incident yesterday your simply seeking confrontations. This is seriously disrupting the server. This needs to stop now.

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I was piling the barrels into the corner so that I could create a last ditch barricade. You started stealing the barrels (3) and nailing them to the wall uselessly. I told you to stop interfering with me barricading. Sometime later when I needed the barrels to finish the barricade I unnailed them to use them in an actual barricade. At which point you screamed that they were your barrels and attempted to renail them to the wall uselessly. At which point I slayed you for interfering with barricading. You then proceeded to try and argue with me about it in text chat. I told you to stop. At which point you said you were going to report me to an admin. Since you continued trying to argue with me I kicked you.


It seems to be that since the incident yesterday your simply seeking confrontations. This is seriously disrupting the server. This needs to stop now.


I stole the barrels? No, in the beginning of the map, there was one barrel opposite of your ditch. I admit on using ONE of "your" barrels, but you unnailed one of mine. Why do you always have to find reasons to ban me, what the hell did I ever to do you?

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  • Executive Council

I stole the barrels? No, in the beginning of the map, there was one barrel opposite of your ditch. I admit on using ONE of "your" barrels, but you unnailed one of mine. Why do you always have to find reasons to ban me, what the hell did I ever to do you?


You took three barrels and just nailed them to the wall. That is obvious interference. Anyway, please read Weeman's post.

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