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Wardays Are Getting Out Of Hands

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There's been about a dozen wardays in the last hour or so. It's annoying, it's boring, and it's tiresome.


Can we get more restrictions on when wardays can be called? Maybe limit them to three every 24 hours? Getting teleported to admin is way cooler than a warday, yet Ts only get teleported to admin maybe twice a day at most.


Wardays are a waste of time. I don't think we usually get rep for them, they just take up time, and a lot of times Ts just camp and draw the round out.


The fact that we can fire wardens before a warday, can end them quickly once they start, or that they don't usually happen a lot is irrelevant. They are happening too much, people complain, they're boring, but wardens keep doing them.

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That isn't me. I'm sure there's some way the admins can tell us apart, like seeing our ip addresses or something. I don't know why someone who is tired of wardays would choose to make a thread and word it almost exactly the same as the one I just did, but it would be even more unexplainable why I'd bother doing this myself, posting under a different name with my first post under that alias, and thinking that no one would notice the similarity between this and the thread that I made three days ago.

Edited by Servo
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It's BentWiener. Look at his activity feed. He changed his name from BentWiener recently. BentWiener is a jailbreak admin who was complaining about wardays in game.




But sure, let's run with the idea that I'll post an almost exact duplicate of a thread I made three days ago, when that thread is on the first page and that I think no one will notice as long as I create a new account and people can see that this would be my first post under my new name. I may as well post under the name "Servo with a Fake Mustache" if you think that's the kind of thing I'd do.


You guys should write detective novels with this ability to see through deception.


Also, it kind of seems like Puffy Nipples is just parodying me.

Edited by Servo
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easy fix, wardays have like 3 rounds limit, they cant do more than 3 wardays. You dont like it, you can buy cell openers. You can buy cell openers every 2 rounds.

Not sure why you felt the need to create another topic.

Don't create another one.

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