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Gamer On Gamer Love Life


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hahahahaha :D yeaaahhh no.

In all honesty though I thought guys were like "EWW GAMER GIRLS" cause apparently we're all either dykes or whores.

But yeah I'm taken as fuck and I met my guy through gaming. So that stuff actually does happen, it just doesn't happen often because most e-girls have wieners and just try and get free games from you.

Also, my bf will beat you at css or bo2 anytime.


ha didnt think id get a real response on here but yeah it is pretty dam hard to come by that lucky bastard XD

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ha didnt think id get a real response on here but yeah it is pretty dam hard to come by that lucky bastard XD


Most chicks I've seen around hg though are 1) not girls (hi ttam/ashley) 2) attention whores (I'd give you examples but lol we all know a few of those and I don't wanna stir up too much shit.) 3) taken.(like dizy, or monique or myself.)

So glhf :) Also Hg has people from all around the world so it'd suck falling in love with a chick that lives thousands of miles away if there's no chance you two can eventually meet up.

Then again I ended a "real" relationship of 7 years for my hg boyfriend, so maaybe, just maybe, there's a chance for you. But I bet there's girls you know irl too, that love gaming. They probably just don't talk about it cause it's not cool haha. I didn't go around telling my female friends (or male, even) "hey btw I play video games."

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