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reviewed Ts3 Do Not Lock.


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You were moved from channel "The Blessing Family" to "PERP" by "Mark #No"

<00:17:58> Channel group "Guest" was assigned to "Mesh" by HeLLsGamers.com.

<00:18:02> You switched from channel "PERP" to "The Blessing Family"

<00:18:02> Channel group "Guest" was assigned to "Mesh" by HeLLsGamers.com.

<00:18:06> You were kicked from the server by "Mark #No"

<00:18:06> Disconnected from server

<00:18:15> Trying to connect to server on

<00:18:15> Connected to Server: HeLLsGamers.com

<00:18:15> Welcome to HeLLsGamers TeamSpeak, check www.hellsgamers.com for latest news.

<00:18:19> You switched from channel "Public Lobby" to "The Blessing Family"

<00:18:19> Channel group "Guest" was assigned to "Mesh" by HeLLsGamers.com.

<00:18:34> You were banned for 2 hours from the server by "Mark #No" (Ignoring Warnings)

<00:18:34> Disconnected from server


I don't Play in HG servers. I was not given a prior vocal warning before-hand. I did nothing wrong. All i was doing was talking to people. I guess this is how things are run nowadays.




I will not stand for abuse.


What made you think i was done?

Edited by Meshuggah
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